The Epidemiologist and The Gun

[Ed: We're glad to introduce a new contributor, 'MarkPA', who combines 2A commitment, shooting expertise and analytic skills.] Humans are injured and die from gun-shot wounds; and so, doctors lay claim to gun-control as a “public-health” issue.  If this were “true” then it would follow that warfare is likewise a public-health issue about which doctors–and epidemiologists–have special expertise to contribute.  Here at DRGO, we reject this assumption. (more…)

The AMA versus Americans

The AMA just announced that it will make an “unprecedented” push for more gun control laws through resolutions presented at its House of Delegates at its next annual meeting June 9-13. This is not really unprecedented, as the AMA has been advocating anti-gun measures for three decades now, along with many co-conspirator specialty associations. But it is a way for it to jump on the current popular bandwagon for restricting guns since some of the teenagers from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Va...

The Course of Democracy in America

[Ed: Alexis de Tocqueville may still be the premier observer of how democracy works (or can) in America. This philosophical essay cuts to the heart of today's political conflict, very much relevant to fulfilling the Second Amendment. Shall we define ourselves as a passive collective dependent on government permissions? Or will we retain our insistence on the vigorous self-reliance that obtained and  has so far maintained our liberties?] Some of the political ideas developed by Alexis Cha...

In Praise of “Stupid Guns” (Part 2)

[Ed: Part 1 is here.] THE POLITICAL PROBLEM The pre-positioned legislation mandating “smart guns” in New Jersey reveals the end game for gun control activists. The 2002 New Jersey Childproof Handgun Law requires that once "personalized handguns are available" anywhere in the country, all handguns sold in New Jersey must be “smart guns”. This is designed to cripple the market. The law prescribes that within thirty months after “smart guns” are available for retail sales purposes, th...

In Praise of “Stupid Guns” (Part 1)

[Ed: A new and properly barbed review of the illusory "smart gun" gambit perpetrated by anti-gun proponents who don't know (or maybe do) what they're talking about. See also The Illusion of Safety. Part 2 appears next week.] Among the latest hustles and bogus gambits pursued by the gun control advocates is the so-called “smart gun” (which will be enclosed in quotes throughout because it is no such thing). It falls into the same semantic charade as the “assault weapon” which also does no...

Freedom, Firearms and Morality are Inseparable

[Ed: We welcome a new contributor, retired pediatrician Cris McBride, MD, who does not suffer foolishness about firearms gladly. His Letter to the Editor of his local paper, published there in slightly longer form on April 7, is another good example of the influence that can and should be exerted by anyone concerned by current restrictionist sentiment. Please write to your own outlets, and share with DRGO!]     To the Editor, Eastern Arizona Courier Dear Editor, ...

. . . and How the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Matters for You

[Ed: Part 2 of Dr. Chen's essay about the importance of the RKBA. Part 1 is here.] What we should do about school shootings 1.) Enforce current laws and improve law enforcement: The Parkland Shooting did not demonstrate the failure of gun laws.  It demonstrated the spectacular failure of law enforcement on every level. The Broward County Sheriff’s Department and the FBI ignored at least 45 calls for service related to the killer Nicholas Cruz. (more…)

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Matters to Me . . .

[Ed: Welcome to new author Victor Chen, MD who adds the cross-cultural perspective of an Asian-American to valuing the Second Amendment and why we all should. Think Chris Cheng, Top Shot winner & NRA commentator. Part 2 will follow.] I'd like to address why the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is so important to me and to Americans like me. I think it is important I talk about this first, because many gun control advocates feel that even if a specific gun control law is truly pointless, pet...