Anti-Gun Research, or, How to Gain Notoriety While Accomplishing Nothing

Many years ago, I worked at the Army Medical Research Laboratory. In those days, it was the lab’s practice to run two experiments simultaneously.  One was called the "Pot Boiler" and the other was called the "Nobel Prize". The Pot Boiler was any easy experiment that more or less came out as expected. Pot Boilers didn't break new ground but usually qualified as publishable.  The "Nobel Prize" (no, we never won it) was always a long shot but held the possibility of a new scientific insight....

The Gun As Talisman

A common adage in the gun owners' sphere is that a gun is not a talisman. This pithy phrase is used to emphasize the fact that possession does not equal competence. Picking up a firearm does not instantly turn a novice into John Wick. One must be practiced and proficient both in marksmanship and administrative handling to be safe and effective with a firearm. This basic concept seems lost on public health anti-gun crusader Garen Wintemute (himself a self-professed gun owner). (more&hel...

Public Health is Not Medicine

One fundamental is crucial to understanding why doctors and organized medicine are involved in gun policy: Public health is not medicine. It is the primary tool and avenue through which hoplophobic medics seek to infringe on peoples’ right to keep and bear arms. But it is not the practice of medicine. Public health relies on medical data and facts gathered through epidemiological methods. But public health is not a clinical discipline. It is a legal one. In short, public health is t...

Brownie Bear Teaches Gun Safety, by B.L. Brown

On the heels of two prior reviews of books helping us educate children about firearms (Safety On by Yehuda Remer and Guns the Right Way by Jerry Luciano), another one arrived that completes a complementary trilogy. Brownie Bear Teaches Gun Safety is a short storybook just right for younger children who enjoy being read to. In just 22 pages, Brown tells how three kids on their way to school find a revolver and what that leads to. The author, Bridgette Brown (who goes by B.L.), is a prin...

Gun Control: A Passivity Disorder?

In contemporary America, as in the West generally, we are witnessing a diminution of traditional self-reliant values. With this, there has been a strong shift to a passive, group think perspective. It's our belief that the demand for extreme gun control goes beyond normal passivity and enters the realm of a psychological disorder. Let’s clarify the term "Passivity Disorder". We all recognize that passive people are less likely to argue about or object to changing circumstances. They are a...

The Joy of Hearing: Prevention Beats Correction

[Ed: Welcome to our newest contributor, Clint Roberts, whose perspective on bearing arms was forged in combat, leading toward a career defending the Second Amendment and those who must rely on it.] New legislation has been introduced that would affect lifestyles within our Second Amendment and firearms communities. There are two measures at hand. The first H.R. 367, the Hearing Protection Act of 2017, would enhance prevention of hearing loss when using firearms for all lawful purposes. T...

DRGO Update for June 5, 2017

A message from DRGO: The article describing the theft of California tax dollars to fund anti-gun "research" by Garen Wintemute, MD and his program is of more than local interest. Such bills are now coming up in New York and New Jersey, and are likely to arise in other pro-gun control state houses.Please stay alert to this wherever you live, and fight back!  Some resources useful in this fight are found here: The History of Public Health Gun Control The Centers for Disease Contro...

Garen Wintemute, MD Creates Victims.

Nothing says “It’s summer in California!” these days like dumping five million dollars from already strained coffers into the piggy bank of a notorious anti-rights propagandist. And nothing celebrates that occasion better than a hagiographic fluff piece about the man for whose pet project that money has been ripped from the pockets of California gun-owning tax payers. No such screed would, of course, be complete without propagating the lie that the Centers for Disease Control has been ban...