More JAMA Junk Science

[Ed: The amazing bias in medical journalism, notably in JAMA,  has previously been described by Dr. Wheeler in "Another Failure of Peer Review at JAMA". It's just getting worse.] Mainstream medicine is at it again.  Amazingly enough it is not about gun control, although it sounds remarkably familiar.  The most recent article to grace the pages of the Journal of the American Medical Association is “Association of Chronic Opioid Use With Presidential Voting Patterns in US Counties in 2016” ...

August 13, 2018 Update from Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

News: Greetings again from DRGO!We enjoy providing you with these summaries of our activity and thoughts on the variety of matters we address. Please feel free to call on us for commentary on any Second Amendment matter on which medical expertise may bear.Don't forget the Second Amendment Foundation's annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Chicago September 21, 22 & 23. Register (free!) here, get yourself there and you're in. We'll be there! And please keep passing the word about...

What Will Come from the Kavanaugh Court? — Part 2

[Ed: In Part 1, the author discussed the likely process of change toward less infringing interpretations of the Second Amendment. Here, he speculates about what might likely change, and what results might develop.] The website Bearing Arms suspects that Trump’s pending Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, might support training or testing requirements to be issued an arms permit.  Gun rights advocates will express principled reservations and practical concerns about any such developmen...

What Will Come from the Kavanaugh Court? — Part 1

[Ed: Part 2, discussing a specific possibility, will follow.] In “The Death of Gun Control?” Dr. Young wrote: “Now, [Second Amendment jurisprudence] will develop with the intended purpose of limiting government power rather than ‘living’ through death by a thousand cuts.” But these changes will not necessarily occur dramatically or at once. The new composition of SCOTUS should place Chief Justice Roberts, with his demonstrated desire to foster limited, broad agreement, squarely in the ...

“Fatal Firearm Incidents Before and After Australia’s 1996 National Firearms Agreement Banning Semiautomatic Rifles”

In the July 3, 2018 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, Simon Chapman and co-authors present statistics purporting to show that Australia’s well-known restrictions on gun ownership led to a reduction in mass shootings. As might be imagined, there are many problems with this report, making it hard to believe the findings. Where to start? (more…)

Can Kaiser Permanente Be Honest in Gun Research?

The San Francisco Bay area-based health care giant Kaiser Permanente has announced in a press release that it is “investing $2 million in research to prevent gun injuries and death.” In a Washington Post article, co-leader of the new Kaiser Permanente Task Force on Firearm Injury Prevention David Grossman, MD, MPH was quoted as saying “the problem now is we really don’t have evidence to know what’s effective and what works” to prevent gun-related injury. This statement should immediately rais...

DRGO Update for July 30, 2018

July 30, 2018 Media Update from Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership News: Miracle of miracles, another update just 2 weeks later! We are coming toward our yearly visit to the Gun Rights Policy Conference, this September 21st through 23rd. The Second Amendment Foundation covers all the costs which, along with its continuing successful ...

2016 Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage–Part 2

[Ed: We present Part 2 of Dr. Brown's detailed advice for objective reporting on the enormous, tragic, evil, shameful epidemic of guns killing and injuring so many millions of Americans. We would add that he is a tenured professor of Advocacy Journalism at the Bloomberg College of Liberal Arts, if that were true. See Part 1 here.] The Political Debate The Back Story The ongoing public debate about the role of guns and gun laws in society has remained at a high level since the 1960's. Al...