Hospitals: Gun-Free Terrorist Targets

Dr. John Edeen, speaking at the 2016 Gun Rights Policy Conference.
[Editor's note: This is the second of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend's 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:20:10.] Thank you, Alan, Julianne and the SAF for asking me to speak to you again this year. As you may know I am a fervent opponent of Gun Free Zones in general, and in hospitals, in particular. The gun free zone, that is my hospital workplace, is the motivating factor for...

Medical Establishment’s War on Guns: From Kellerman On

[Editor's note: This is the first of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend's 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:12:08.] I’d like to thank the Second Amendment Foundation for the honor of being able to speak here today and especially to speak among my fellow members of DRGO, John Edeen, Robb Young, and Timothy Wheeler.  I first became involved with DRGO after hearing John Edeen speakin...

The Truth About Florida’s Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act

[Editor’s note: The following letter by DRGO's Dr. Arthur Z Przebinda, MD is a response to comments to a post by The Truth About Guns quoting him about the principles underlying Florida's Firearms Protection Act (FOPA). The letter was originally published September 19, 2016 at The Truth About Guns. It is reproduced here by permission.]   Dear Dan and Robert. I’m concerned that you and your readership may be being misled and distracted by the recent publications about “studies” of the “...

The Sandwich Method of Gun Control “Journalism”

At DRGO we’ve often written about advocacy science, which really isn’t science at all.  Rather, it is politics masquerading as science.  There’s also such a thing as advocacy journalism, which really isn’t journalism at all.  It is politics masquerading as journalism. DRGO recently was approached by Kaiser Health News reporter Shefali Luthra for a story on the latest pediatric journal article aimed at shoring up the case for doctors probing their patients about guns in their homes. (more&...

Docs, Glocks & Rocket Jocks

(from teachwithmoviesorg)
As a radiologist, being the butt of jokes in the doctor’s lounge about light sensitivity and the risk of developing decubitus ulcers is par for the course. The “banker’s hours” jokes have fallen off since the advent of 24-hour radiology service, but as for the rest, I’ve found it’s best just to smile and nod. Jokes aside, I spend half my time doing image-guided procedures, and over the past 20 years sticking needles and other devices into people, I’ve come to realize that there’s no subs...

Gavin’s Gun Grab’s Not a Given

Attention Californians!  Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom wants to eliminate your right to self-defense.  His legislation will eventually end your right to own a firearm in the Golden State. Newsom believes that just owning a gun means an undue interest in "massacres and hate".  Now, being a clever fellow, he'll stop short of trying to ban guns at a stroke.  Instead, he's going to subject all gun owning Californians to death by a thousand cuts.   If you're a professional cage fighter, knife figh...

Waiting Your Turn

( Bird)
Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police are Still Minutes Away, by Chris Bird (Privateer Publications, 2016, 408 pages).  Review by Dr. Timothy Wheeler, Director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. Any reasonably informed American can tell you who Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were.  Their names are indelibly linked with the name “Columbine” as the vile mass murderers of 13 people in the April 1999 incident of that name.  But few know of Joel Myrick, Tracy Bridge...

Taking the Cure to Stop Violence

(from r-s-12.mihanblog
[Editor's note: The following letter by Gary Gonsalves, MD (assisted by Rob Morse) was originally published August 29, 2016 in CSA Online First,  by the California Society of Anesthesiologists. It is reproduced here by permission.]   Last week’s blog post, “Gun Violence:  When will we make a change?”, made an emotional appeal for legislative and research solutions to gun violence. However, extensive research already exists. (more…)