Dr. Mauser Gives Snopes a Chance

(from: learnbonds.com)
(from: learnbonds.com)[Editor: Snopes.com appears to be branching out from objective myth busting to politicized myth creation. We read Dr. Mauser's explanation on Tuesday. This is the so far unanswered request for correction he sent two weeks ago.] Barbara & David Mikkelson                                                                        Snopes.com Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mikkelson: I am writing to request that Snopes.com retract “Harvard Flaw Review,” by Kim LaCapria. This review makes...

Snopes Labels Mauser and Kates’ Classic Work “Urban Myth”

(from: mcgannfacialdesign.com)
[Editor: Here is a real time example of the false criticism that quality pro-rights scholarship receives from anti-gun academia. It matters. Reviewer Kim LaCapria has a demonstrable history of strongly "progressive", party-line bias. We'll read Dr. Mauser's request for correction on Thursday.] In the debate over gun control, it is often difficult to know which so-called “facts” are real, given the conflicting claims that are rampant. Not being able to analyze every claim we hear, it is helpfu...

American Naïveté (Part 2): “If you have nothing to hide…”

(from shaunynews.com)
[Editor: On the occasions of our November elections and last week's farewell to Fidel Castro, we present a 2-part series by Dr. Faria, reprinted by permission from Hacienda Publishing, with a message that America can always use.  Part 1 is here.] The powerful French Minister Cardinal Richelieu stated, “If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.” (more…)

American Naïveté (Part 1): “If you have nothing to hide…”

(from lastwordon.com)
[Editor: On the occasions of our November elections and last week's farewell to Fidel Castro, we present a 2-part series by Dr. Faria, reprinted by permission from Hacienda Publishing, with a message that America can always use.  Part 2 appears Thursday.] In a previous article, “European social democracies and gun control,” I wrote that many Americans are extremely naïve when it comes to trusting the government with their liberties. In fact, there is an interesting dichotomy because citiz...

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Line of Fire

(from salon.com)
For many years, Americans’ natural right to self defense and our Constitutionally enshrined right to keep and bear arms has been under attack.  The agents have been many of the same forces and factions that have been assaulting and slowly eroding Americans’ other civil liberties.  The November Presidential election seemed to be pushing the Second Amendment, like a child with recurrent leukemia, toward a fate from which recovery seemed unlikely. (more…)

Guns and Freedom: Part 2 — Historical Vignettes on Civilian Disarmament [excerpt]

(from guns.com)
[Editor: DRGO presents this excerpt from a series by Dr. Faria in Hacienda Publishing, 2012, to illustrate the tyranny that firearm registration invites.  In this case, in Cuba, as appropriate recognition of the long overdue death of Fidel Castro November 24.] DATELINE: Havana, Cuba, 1959 And here is a story with which I am intimately familiar. After the triumph of the revolution in 1959, Fidel Castro reneged on his promise to establish democracy in Cuba. In response, the Revolutionar...

Happy Thanksgiving from DRGO

(from: joesdump.com)
DRGO extends to our members, friends, and supporters the warmest wishes of a Happy Thanksgiving. In light of this year's election, we remain hopeful that the President-elect will hold fast to the doctrine that the Second Amendment has nothing to do with an inalienable right to food procurement, but protects the human right of self-defense and stands as a bulwark against government tyranny. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump took strong constitutionalist positions on the Second Amendment. ...

Lone Ranger Arrested in California!

(from nbcnews.com)
The Lone Ranger was arrested in Lone Pine, California today for the crime of illegally transferring silver bullets.  The famed masked man had just apprehended an armed felon after shooting the gun out of his hand.  As was his practice for the last eighty years, he gave a silver bullet to the outlaw's victim. She was a kindly old widow who was robbed and held captive by the desperado.  This lady, grateful that her life and property were restored, treasured the silver bullet as a symbol tha...