“Medical Journalism” is Neither

(from murraysreview.com)
The American Medical Association, via its flagship publication Journal of the American Medical Association, is turning up the heat. Apparently unable to comprehend the shifting American dynamic toward increasing respect for gun owners, they’ve featured several recent commentaries beating the dead horse of the  "public health gun crisis”. The November 14 edition of JAMA features 2 articles flogging the 'public health firearm epidemic crisis', to mix metaphors only a little more than they d...

“Gun violence” does not fit the public health model of disease

(from newscenter.sdsu.org)
The oft chanted mantra that firearms are like viruses is patently untenable. Viruses are living organisms—they replicate and perform actions independently. To consider firearms alive, self-replicating and capable of independent action requires an absence of rationality. Now, to the public health model. It is predicated on education about, then modification and eradication, of a problem. Study should begin with examining history, epidemiology, utility, and a cost benefit ratio. Firearms...

Mass Shooting Derangement (MSD) syndrome and the modern liberal PC ethos

(from scmp.com)
[Ed: This is republished, slightly edited, with permission from HaciendaPublishing.com, November 9. It is something of a follow up to Dr. Faria's comments in "Gun Statistics--Should they be tortured or gently crose-examined?"] Che Guevara, an icon of the left, thought that socialism and egalitarianism would create a “new socialist man” dedicated to the common good without the need of material incentives to work and live. Che lived long enough to see it did not, although he persisted. Soci...

Domestic Violence: No Duty by the State to Protect Against Criminal Abusers—Part 2

(from secureteen.com)
[Ed: This is the second part of Roberts' paper written for the Department of Political Science in Austin Peay University's pre-law program. This excellent summary of these domestic violence issues should be available to a wider audience. Part 1 is here.] Many cases involving domestic abuse victims involve children. “5 million children grow up with domestic violence each year; 40 million adult Americans grew up living with domestic violence.” Which is why a criminal background check is an ...

Domestic Violence: No Duty by the State to Protect Against Criminal Abusers—Part 1

(from thinglink.com)
[Ed: This is the first of two parts of Roberts' paper written for the Department of Political Science in Austin Peay University's pre-law program. This excellent summary of these domestic violence issues should be available to a wider audience. Part 2 on Friday.] ABSTRACT Relevant to family law in the United States, domestic violence remains a staggering matter. Law enforcement, judges, and legal professionals similar to Eatons Solicitors agree that this subject matter requires m...

We Are At War

(from startribune.com)
Yes, you read that correctly; we are at war. We are at war with people who wish to do Americans harm.  No matter the motivation, reason, scope or method; in the grand scheme of things, those factors are not important.  The fact that we are at war is real and troubling. What is more troubling however is that a substantial portion of Americans and politicians don't grasp this. Nor do they grasp that individuals have a natural right to defend themselves in this war. (more…)

Will What Happened in Vegas Stay in Vegas?

(from abc7.com)
On October 1, 2017, America once again was forced to confront another horrific mass shooting wherein (50) some people were killed and over 500 injured.  The shooter was not a stereotypical mass gunman.  Of note was the fact that Richard Vasquez, the former chief of firearms technology for the ATF, said the fact that Paddock was able to purchase 33 guns  should tell us "he had a very clean background." Additionally, at least 12 of the 23 firearms found in the hotel room had been fitted “with ...

Dr. Edeen Challenges a Colleague’s Firearm Foolishness

{from asp.tacticalgear.com)
[Ed: Read the Herring commentary, then Dr. Edeen's rebuttal below. The Dallas News first offered to publish this, cut by 3/4; then as just a 200-word Letter to the Editor. Hardly equal time, so here it is.] Dear Doctor Herring: As a fellow pediatric orthopedic surgeon practicing in the State of Texas, I have the utmost respect for the professional excellence in your practice of orthopedics and in your dedication to training the current and next generation of orthopedic surgeons.  Howev...