Gun violence is not an epidemic and firearms are not viruses that need to be eradicated!

[Our colleague Miguel Faria, MD, offered this review on the "public health" war on guns from] The public health establishment, supported by the medical journals, has renewed its call for the need for more gun research to be conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and funded by taxpayers. In other words, public health researchers want more taxpayer’ money to tell us that guns are a disease that must be eradicated. But as many critics have pointed out, including th...

Advice for Young Pro-Gun Doctors

In addition to undermining the unfettered exercise of Second Amendment rights by patients, medical academia will not tolerate dissent among its ranks. Repression of any deviation from the party line is as clear an indication of a totalitarian bent as it is an old tactic. Those who cling tenaciously to an alternate reality in which people in power are the better angels who would never force their opinions on others are invited to read this email DRGO recently received from a concerned fath...

Saratoga: Great for Horses, Not for Guns

[Ed: New DRGO writer Dr. Anthony Ferraioli shares his experience. Injustice can happen to the best of us.] I was denied my handgun permit by Saratoga County, N.Y. Mind you, the great majority of applicants are approved, not just in my home county, but in most of the surrounding Upstate New York counties as well, in spite of New York’s regressive policy of may-issue permitting. (more…)

Guns and the Children’s Crusade

The mobilization of youth in response to the Parkland High School shooting has similarities to the Children's Crusade and must not end the same way. There was a sense of exasperation and failure within Europe at the beginning of the thirteenth century.  For over one hundred years, the European powers had been engaged in the Crusades.  Their great endeavor was to wrest the holy land away from "Saracen usurpers". Despite the best efforts of powerful kings with vast armies, the forces of Christ...

Gun Laws vs. Firearm Suicides

A paper in the January 2018 Journal of Surgical Research attempts to show that the right to keep and bear arms is a cause of suicide.  According to the authors, “Weaker gun state laws are associated with higher rates of suicide secondary to firearms”. The authors use data from a small percentage of US hospitals to look at the number of admissions with diagnoses said to represent firearm related suicide attempts. They compare these with the population of the states they’re in to estimate f...

ACP President Trips Over His Own Rhetoric

Medical Economics recently published an interview with Jack Ende, MD, MACP, president of the American College of Physicians. The ACP is one of the signatories to the joint statement to treat gun violence as a public health issue. The interview with Ende is titled “This is why gun violence is a public health problem.” This is becoming a tattered drum for the medical hoplophobes to bang, and Dr. Young has adroitly dismantled the argument for treating guns as a public health issue before. (...

A Pediatrician Explains the AR-15

[Ed: This was first published February 28 on] The Doctor will school you now. The “AR-15” is the common name for a style of semi-automatic rifle which is perhaps the most misunderstood firearm in modern history. To listen to gun controllers, one would think that this style of firearm had emerged from the depths of hell, become sentient, and started attacking residential subdivisions across the country. I am here to attempt to explain in layman’s terms what this firearm is...

DRGO on Firearm Confiscation due to Dangerousness

In the wake of the Parkland shooting we’ve seen a push to find solutions that would keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people who might commit atrocities. The majority of the mass killers in recent times appear to have been mentally ill or deeply disturbed. Because mental illnesses are so varied, the mere presence of one does not indicate any risk of violence. Approximately 25% of our population experiences some mental illness at any given time. (more…)