Case Closed: Kleck is Still Correct

In April, we wrote about the unpublished Centers for Disease Control survey from 1996-1998 that evidently confirmed the findings of Gary Kleck, PhD and Marc Gertz, PhD from 1992 that there were likely about 2.4 million civilian defensive gun uses (DGUs) each year in the United States. Dr. Kleck discovered that CDC data last fall and, extrapolating it to compare that data from 13 states to his own national survey, concluded that the results fell within about 2.5% of each other. (more…)

Public Health Officials Lie—That’s What They’re Paid For

While waiting in my doctor’s office I chanced to pick up the November 2017 edition of Smithsonian magazine.  As a quasi-governmental entity, this journal speaks with more than a modicum of authority.  John M. Barry, the author of “Journal of the Plague Year” writes of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic that killed 50 - 100 million people in 15 months.  The history of that incident is well worth the read, but it’s not the part that  struck me that day.  (more…)

Active Shooter Interdiction

[Ed: Dr. Edeen, our Membership Director, is a strong proponent of self-rescue, including shooting back, in medical settings that are so vulnerable to mass casualty attacks. He puts his time and money where his mouth is, and this report is one result.]  I recently traveled to the Firearms Academy of Seattle (FAS) in Onalaska, Washington, to participate in their three-day Active Shooter Interdiction course. The course was sponsored by Paul Lathrop and the Polite Society Podcast.  (more&hell...

Gun-Friendly Health Care at

[Ed: Our own 'Dr. LateBloomer' also writes for GAT Daily, from which we are reposting yesterday's article with permission. We are very appreciative about how widely is being publicized.] Have you ever been frustrated (or outraged) by your physician’s invasive questions about your firearms? Have you ever hemmed and hawed trying to explain to a physician what your health needs are WITHOUT mentioning your firearms? Ever feel like you should have your blood lead level checked witho...

The Latest “Gun Violence Crisis” in Canada

[Ed: This introduces new contributor and gun rights advocate, Vincent Harinam, who co-authored the piece with the eminent Gary Mause, PhD. Mr. Hariman's picture is forthcoming. Meanwhile, Ed: takes no responsibility for the promiscuous use of "c" in place of the perfectly serviceable "s"--Loyalist behavior persists.] Recent public shootings – one in Toronto in July and another in New Brunswick in August –guarantees that gun control will become a key political issue in next year’s federal ele...

Sentimental Journeys: How We Feel About Who Has Guns

(from the
Each of us has opinions about whether others ought to have guns.  These sentiments are very much cultural and often irrational.   There are also sub-cultures who hold radically different sentiments even though they are parts of the same society.  To explore this, let’s study two nations and cultures, the United States and Mexico. In America, uniformed police routinely carry guns openly.  In most of the country, it’s rare to see civilians openly carrying firearms within municipalities.   C...

More JAMA Junk Science

[Ed: The amazing bias in medical journalism, notably in JAMA,  has previously been described by Dr. Wheeler in "Another Failure of Peer Review at JAMA". It's just getting worse.] Mainstream medicine is at it again.  Amazingly enough it is not about gun control, although it sounds remarkably familiar.  The most recent article to grace the pages of the Journal of the American Medical Association is “Association of Chronic Opioid Use With Presidential Voting Patterns in US Counties in 2016” ...

August 13, 2018 Update from Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

News: Greetings again from DRGO!We enjoy providing you with these summaries of our activity and thoughts on the variety of matters we address. Please feel free to call on us for commentary on any Second Amendment matter on which medical expertise may bear.Don't forget the Second Amendment Foundation's annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Chicago September 21, 22 & 23. Register (free!) here, get yourself there and you're in. We'll be there! And please keep passing the word about...