Gun Violence Restraining Orders, Unrestrained

California is awesome.  It is huge, and varied in people, environments, and cultures.  And it’s a seething cauldron of bizarre 'progressive' agendas. We’ve been following some of them through this year’s legislative session.  Two of DRGO’s chief activists, Drs. Timothy Wheeler and Arthur Przebinda, were in Sacramento recently to oppose spending taxpayer dollars to shore up the failing anti-gun activism of Dr. Garen Wintemute and colleagues at the University of California. Anoth...

Doctors Kill 23 Times More People Than Guns Kill!

("The Scream" from:
Behold this leading-bleeding scream piece from BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal and formerly a respected source of scientific information for your doctor.  The journal has a history of free-wheeling condemnation of American gun owners, going so far as to advocate attacking their very culture.  Throwing fuel on their own fire, BMJ editors evidently have now resorted to an old if not exactly honorable practice of hack journalism—printing the shocking and the scandalous, even if the tr...

An Anti-Gun Glossary
The English language is an inexhaustible gift to writers.  It has the largest vocabulary of any language, with multiple word meanings that vary according to etymology and context.  We even have words that can mean their own opposites, like “sanction”, “oversight”, “left”, “dust”, “stone”, “cleave”, “fast” and others. In the human resources field “resign” can refer either to leaving employment or to returning to it.  In the practice of law, “continue” may have its usual meaning of carrying...

Where are the Millennials in RKBA activism?

We are told that the average gun owner is a 50 year old white male and that no women or minorities like guns.  Not true!  Many of those who are not typically thought of as gun enthusiasts are becoming more involved with guns and their right to keep and bear arms. The millennial generation though, just doesn’t seem to get RKBA activism. They often seem more interested in saving the environment, protecting endangered wildlife or whatever may be the cause of the week. (more…)

What’s Wrong: Some Women or All Guns?

Though this isn't exactly another series (like How We're Taught About Guns), one thought leads to another about women and guns. Last week I reviewed anti-gun propaganda directed especially at women, as well as some corrective perspectives by women themselves in the firearms community. Our usual readers probably agree that the healthy, rational approach to guns is to acquire sufficient acquaintance and skill to use them safely. But what explains why so many women hate guns and reject gun...

Why Johnny Shot Mikey Is Not a Medical Issue

(Dr. Harms -- far left, Dr. Jones - far right)
Sitting through last week's GunMeggedon (the all-day marathon of hearings on proposed anti-gun bills) in the California Senate's Public Safety Committee was enough to raise one's blood pressure to dangerous levels. The day culminated for Dr. Wheeler and me in the hearing of SB 1006 (Firearm Violence Research Center, Senator Wolk). That experience was already summarized previously by Dr. Wheeler. In her introductory remarks on April 19th, Senator Wolk said the University of California is "...

What Do Women Want—with Firearms?

 "Was will das Weib?”  That's how Sigmund Freud put the question “What does woman want?”  There may still be other wants mysterious to man, but the answer is growing clearer, year by year within the world of firearms, shooting sports and self-defense. Women want what everyone needs: safety and security, love and fellowship, and self-realization.  (See What ‘Right to Feel Safe’?)  Historically, their identities have emphasized social and relational roles above self-realization, with the presum...

Breaking! DRGO Goes to Sacramento to Stop California Junk Science

Senator Sen. Hancock cuts off Dr. Wheeler’s testimony.
Sparks flew today in the California Senate Public Safety Committee as Committee Chair Sen. Hancock cut off Dr. Wheeler's testimony. DRGO was present at the the committee's hearing this afternoon on a slew of gun control bills, including SB 1006. You’ve seen the history of how national-level public health gun-grabbers leveraged the immense resources of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to finance and produce anti-gun rights junk science. You’ve seen how private institutions li...