Crazy Things Anti-Gunners Say About Concealed Carry on Campus

The concept of allowing those with a concealed carry permit to carry their guns on campus is getting a lot of press lately, mostly because it drives gun-hating academics crazy.  Here’s my take on a few of the many anti-gun shibboleths hurled at the idea of campus carry: There will be shootings over minor disputes and drunken students shooting up the campus:  This is likely a case of anti-gunners projecting their own college behavior onto others.  I smile at this one, because it reminds me...

Statistical Malpractice: The Standard in Anti-Gun “Research”—Part 2

In Part I of this article, . . . we made some preliminary observations regarding the Harvard School of Public Health study published in the February 2002 issue of the Journal of Trauma. (1) The Violence Policy Center (VPC) has been lauding the study as "the most comprehensive study ever conducted on impact of gun availability." In its press release, the organization further states, "The elevated rate of violent death among children in high gun ownership states cannot be explained by diff...

Statistical Malpractice: The Standard in Anti-Gun “Research”—Part 1

[Editor’s Note: The following article by our colleague Dr. Miguel Faria is his classic discussion of Statistical Malpractice --- 'Firearm Availability' and Violence (Part I): Politics or Science? as it was originally titled in the Medical Sentinel (2002;7(4):132-133).  It remains a timely reminder of the unending games played by researchers with agendas, and is republished here with the author’s permission.  Part 2 follows on Thursday.] (more…)

A Gun Owner Goes to the Doctor

Most doctors don’t care whether you own guns and won’t bother asking because they don’t have the time, although some may enjoy chatting about them as shared interests.  But occasionally one will raise the question as if it has something to do with routine medical (“preventive”) care. Here are some examples: -  -  -  -  -  - Scene: A physician’s exam room, complete with chair, small desk, exam table, cabinets full of mystery items—and a computer.  -  -  -  -  -  - (mor...

Elites Double Down on Medical Gun Control Politics

To see how utterly disconnected the public health gun prohibition movement and their major media allies are from the everyday lives of normal people, consider the recent carefully orchestrated media blast of Dr. Garen Wintemute’s latest gun control advocacy article. My expert colleagues Dr. Margulies and Dr. Young dissected this smelly specimen of junk science last week. But there’s another message in Wintemute’s article.  Medical gun control activists are perceiving pushback from the sic...

Studying Anti-Gun Studies: Confusion, Obfuscation and Irrelevance

They’re at it again, so we are too.  “They” are the ‘gun violence is a public health issue’ crowd, who keep propounding theories about how guns should be treated as autonomous risk factors for injury and death.  DRGO will keep setting them straight.  If we weren’t volunteers, we’d thank them for keeping us so busy. The big news from the front this week was an article appearing May 16 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Yes, You Can: Physicians, Patients, and Firearms by Garen Wintemute an...

Two Profiles in Hoplophobia

(Garen Wintemute, MD From:
The public health culture war against gun owners started a quarter century ago and shows no signs of letting up. The steady surge in support of the civil right of gun ownership seems to have spurred medical hoplophobes in universities and in government to renew their efforts to prohibit gun ownership. The big academic gun-grabbers enjoy support from a fawning media and from sympathetic activists in government.  Mainstream media accounts always portray them as heroes fighting “gun violence...