Pseudoscience About Guns in the Canadian Medical Association Journal

[Editor's Note: Dr. Gary Mauser is a preeminent authority on  firearms, firearm legislation and violence.  He offered DRGO his analysis of a "study" claiming that Australia's 1996 gun confiscation law ended "fatal mass shootings" there.  But it didn't.  This complements our April 14 article debunking a meta-analysis from another supposedly reputable source.] The recent article, Association Between Gun Law Reforms and Intentional Firearm Deaths in Australia, 1979-2013, in the Canadian Medi...

The Ten Favorite Lies of the Gun Control Lobby

Pinocchio - Geico TV Commercial
The principles behind the gun control movement can’t survive even the most basic scrutiny, so the Controllers must constantly fall back on that oldest debating strategy: lies. The lies they favor vary from year to year, sometimes old lies are recycled, sometimes new ones are created and tested to see how well they survive in the wild. Here’s my list of the current top ten.  See if you agree and feel free to add more.  (more…)

The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control (Part II)

[Ed: This is the second part of Dr. Faria's series, originally published at on May 15, 2001. The double-standard held by the AMA and its organs about using its position "for political purposes" is remarkable. See Part I here.] I was struck one particular morning when I heard on the radio on January 15, 1999, that the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), George D. Lundberg, M.D., had been fired by the AMA for using JAMA for his own political purp...

Another Failure of Peer Review at JAMA

You don’t have to be a trained statistician or criminologist to get published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) if you’re on message about guns, judging from this new anti-gun advocacy article. The editors at one of America’s leading medical journals have been clear for years on what they want readers to think about guns—private ownership of firearms should be banned. (more…)

Organized Medicine Continues to Scorn Gun Owners

[Editor’s Note: The following article was published by The Hill and is republished here with permission.] I’m a longtime member of the American Medical Association and of my specialty organization, the American Psychiatric Association.  Without their activism, the medical profession would long ago have been reduced to an over-regulated trade, patient rights would be much less respected, and diagnosis and treatment guidelines would be less well validated. I’m also chronically disappointed i...

The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control (Part I)

[Ed:  Dr. Faria originally published this two part article at on May 3, 2001.  We felt it well worth reprinting.  The story is 15 years old, but the plot is the same in 2016, only more so, with the AMA's recent decision to increase its gun control advocacy.  Part II will follow.] The AMA is joining the gun prohibition movement in full force. Led by the long-time speaker of the AMA's House of Delegates, now president-elect, organized medicine has joined the gun control movement...

Organized medicine’s answer to the Orlando mass murder: Deception and control

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Another “mass shooting” in America! That is what politically correct media and politicians are saying. They don’t want to admit that a terrorist attack is much more than a mass shooting.  They refuse to see that hate based on race, religion, sexual preference or political belief has nothing to do with the weapons used to inflict that hate on innocent people.  They ignore the fact that the policies they propose will not change the worldwide war ISIS is waging on everyone who does not belie...

Early Lessons of the Orlando Terrorist Attack

Being able to say “I told you so” isn’t always a good feeling.  But as authorities begin sorting out the details of the Orlando terrorist attack, some things are obvious. The first point is that we knew this was coming.  While there has been a steady stream of small, Islamist-inspired incidents over the last four decades, the ferocity of the attacks has been increasing, as evidenced by the mass murders at Fort Hood and San Bernardino. (more…)