Dr. Margulies Mentors the American College of Emergency Physicians

[Editor's note: The ACEP recently hosted a Pro-Con Advocacy Debate about gun violence in ACEPNow, its publication of record. In that discussion, Marco Coppola, DO, ably spoke against blaming guns for their misuse as if that were a "public health epidemic".  Our Dr. Wheeler left a comment reminding readers that Congress banned political advocacy by the CDC, not violence research. Dr. Margulies responds to the moderator's question, "how far should emergency medicine go in advocating for or aga...

Cancer and “Gun Violence”

(From: newscientist.com)
Doctors are problem solvers. Thanks to our training, that's how we approach patients.  And problem solving, done well, requires a thoughtful process.  That applies to social and public policy matters like firearm issues as well. The essential first step when approaching any problem is to define it. Not just in general terms, but as specifically as possible, because the next steps (determining causes, identifying strategies, establishing action plans, implementing solutions, assessing resu...

How the Gun Control Movement Sabotages Itself

(from gunpoliticsny.com)
One of the recurring themes of the American gun control movement has been the need to conceal their eventual goal of making firearms illegal for everyone but the police, the military and the bodyguards who protect the political and economic elite. A recent article at Politico.com, Dems urged to retool their gun message, reports on a meeting last week in which gun control leaders were reminded once again to hide their real aims behind bland, inoffensive, and comforting language.  I’ve been...

The AAP and the ‘Impotent Something’

(from quotesgram.com)
In case anybody missed it earlier this month, amidst all the national heartache, finger-pointing, drama, and lies, the American Academy of Pediatrics decided again never to let a tragedy go to waste.Yes, the AAP announced yet another "New Initiative". Go ahead, read the whole thing—I'll wait. As if they hadn't already stepped far enough outside their professional lane in advocating against Second Amendment Civil Rights, now the AAP wants to "Confront Violence in Children's Lives".  And...

Shame and Outrage—California’s Legislature in Session

I’ve often joked with friends out here in California about the difference between our capital city of Sacramento and Las Vegas. One is full of hustlers, whores, and lowlifes.  The other is located in Nevada.  The few gun owners who have been paying attention to the foaming lynch mob that the California legislature has become know these truths well.  The rest will find out, to their shock and disgust, in due time. Only a handful of California gun owners know the ordeal their pro-gun rights...

We All Want Peace

(from zazzle.com)
It was a peaceful demonstration that day in Dallas, enacting a right recognized in the first amendment to the Constitution.  Then one hateful, violent person shattered that peace.  One person ignored the rights of those demonstrating, police officers, and everyone else involved, to carry out a heinous crime against society. The police officers who were there and quickly responded are heroes.  They are heroes every day no matter what the call, no matter how dangerous the situation.  Those ...

A Sweep of Every House

On Independence Day weekend California Governor Jerry Brown, with the stroke of a pen, created several million brand new criminals in the once-Golden State.  Before jumping on a plane for a European vacation, he signed six of the eleven gun control bills sent to him by the one-party lynch mob that California’s legislature has become.  All six laws will go into effect next year. They create new crimes that will be committed simply because of Governor Brown’s signature, not by any actual misde...