Guns and Domestic Violence—Surprising Findings

[Ed: Sorensen's study has been trumpeted by anti-gun media for implying greater incidence of PTSD in domestic violence involving guns. But there is far more (and less) to these findings than that.] Guns are almost never involved in incidents of Intimate Partner Violence (or “domestic violence” as more commonly termed). This is according to a new report, “Guns in Intimate Partner Violence: Comparing Incidents by Type of Weapon” by Susan Sorensen, PhD of the University of Pennsylvania. Us...

How Often Are “Children” “Injured” by “Guns” in “Canada”?

Answer: Not as often as some want to believe. At least, that’s what can be told from the March 27 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal from the Toronto pediatric team of Natasha Saunders, Hannah Lee, Alison MacPherson, Jun Gun and Astrid Guttmann. Here is an astonishing misuse of language masquerading as medical research from some of our northerly neighbors.  The only imaginable reason for this must be the authors falling behind in producing publications for tenure.  “Risk of...

Does It Hurt When I Tell You What to Think?

I thought I was reading a hilarious Onion article the other day that lampooned a group of comically self-obsessed physicians.  I was enjoying the farce—the story had the egomaniacal doctors presuming that their medical education qualified them to discuss anthropogenic global warming—aka “Climate Change”.  They even suggested it would be appropriate to push their Al Gore-esque climate alarmism on their patients—during medical appointments! But when I realized it wasn’t The Onion after al...

Understanding Blunt Force Trauma Lethality: An Interview with Dr. Robert Margulies (Part 2)

[Ed: "The world is a beautiful place, but . . ." The remainder of the December 2015 interview of DRGO's Dr.Margulies regarding blunt force brain trauma from Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network's eJournal. Part 1 is here.] eJournal: What losses should we expect from injury to different parts of the brain? Dr. Margulies: The lower portion of the back of the brain is where we see. The information is transmitted through what appears to be a fairly long channel from the eyes to the occip...

Understanding Blunt Force Trauma Lethality: An Interview with Dr. Robert Margulies (Part 1)

[Ed: We have featured Dr. Margulies' work before, notably The Unarmed Assailant--A Deadly Threat, as DRGO addresses true public health issues in violence. His expertise on blunt force trauma recognizes a grossly overlooked threat that should easily justify armed self-defense.  In December 2015, he was interviewed by Gila Hayes for Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network's eJournal, which we appreciate permission to reprint. Part 2 follows.] Ms. Hayes introduces the topic:  The long-time...

DRGO Releases Position Paper Supporting Access to Firearms Suppressors

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) is releasing a white paper, prepared by highly credentialed subject matter medical experts, that provides supporting information for the proposed Hearing Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 367 and its companion bill S.59), which are being considered to aid in protecting the hearing of hunters and recreational firearms users. (more…)

Director of Homeland Security

Hello, Folks! This is Johnny Bullseye, your Second Amendment Reporter, bringing you another exciting interview from the annals of firearms history.  Today I have the honor of interviewing the great Apache warrior, Geronimo. “Greetings, Chief Geronimo.  Thanks for taking the time to speak with me.” “Greetings, Young John Who-Hits-Bull-in-the-Eye.  I am pleased to powwow with you but I must correct how you addressed me right now.  I was never a Chief of the Chiricahua Apaches.  I was a M...