A Day to Remember

(from foxnews.com)
Memorial Day has now come for the 51st time since it was officially proclaimed in 1967. It has been kept nationwide, though unofficially, since World War II, and as Decoration Day since 1868.  It was born in spontaneous memorials early during the Civil War.  Remembering war dead has been important throughout history, even as the manner of recognition has changed across time and societies. As with many things cultural, I wonder about the layers of meaning in this universal expression of re...

New Public Database Reveals Bias of Gun-Control Researchers

(from newsmax.com)
I read with fascination this article that appeared in the Macon, Georgia Telegraph today, which I’m pleased to see is getting a fair amount of press on my favorite pro-Second Amendment sites.  And by fascination, I really mean the sort of morbid, irresistible curiosity that compels one to stare at car accidents and other scenes of destruction, like The Kramer. (more…)

Perspective from a Rape Survivor: Lack of Access to Mental Health Care is the Real Gun Problem

{from ammoland.com
[Ed: We are delighted to introduce a new correspondent, Shayna Lopez-Rivas, who is dead serious about the Second Amendment. She has turned her personal tragedy into a powerful voice for crime victims everywhere.] With 33,000 gun deaths each year in this country, it’s not surprising that the right of gun ownership often gets called into question. This is especially done by groups that have little to no understanding of firearms and like to scare people with large, malleable statistics. So...

Guns The Right Way: Introducing Kids to Firearms Safety and Shooting — by Jerry Luciano

(from oregongunowner.com)
Most people use youtube videos to teach young kids. Today’s piece could be beginning an actual series of book reviews about teaching kids responsible gun use (see Safety On: And introduction to the world of firearms for children by Yehuda Remer). Providing firearms training may seem like a non-medical aspect of gun ownership, but it really carries huge implications for peoples’ health. Firearms accidents keep declining, thanks to better educated gun owners, but each one is still enormousl...

The Thought Police vs. Our Traditions and Our Youth

(from youtube.com)
The news was abuzz this week with a story about a student who was suspended from school for hitting "like" on the photo of an air soft pistol on social media. The student was later "un-suspended", but only after much drama, wherein he was called to the school office and patted-down for weapons. The school claimed that the student "liking" a photo amounted to "potential school violence". To use a profane acronym . . . Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! (more…)

High Noon

(from singsnap.com)
Certain times of the day have meaning independent of the clock. Human beings have always accorded special significance to dawn, midnight, and pre-dawn. In modern American culture, late afternoon has come to symbolize happy hour.  For the responsible gun owner, the most compelling time is High Noon which, strangely enough, can occur at any moment. By way of example, consider dawn.  This word is less about a specific time than it is about the beginning of things.  We see the rising sun as t...

A New Law for a New Time

(from picclick.com)
The United States needs one new firearm law.  I propose that the Congress of the United States enact the following: 1) The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says what it means and means what it says. 2) There shall be no restrictions on the possession and carrying of firearms anywhere in any jurisdiction in these United States. 3) The use or possession of any firearm in the performance of a violent crime, in violation of any violent crime law in any jurisdiction ...