American Academy of Pediatrics — Welcome to Chicago!

According to all of the junk mail I have been receiving lately, the American Academy of Pediatric’s annual meeting is taking place next month in—wait for it—Chicago! That's right, one of the most rabid anti-gun medical organizations is holding their national meeting in one of the most rabid anti-gun—yet rife-with-murder—cities in the U. S. One of the headlining addresses they are advertising for the meeting on Sunday is "Gun Safety: An American Crisis” by Gary Wheeler, MD, MPS, FAAP--C...

Why Gun Control Laws Fail

Cities such as Chicago and New York apparently have a gun control problem. Their extensive array of gun control laws continues to fail to prevent violent gun crime. This could be because people are to busy focusing on gun law rather than gun detection. A gun detection System has been developed that can detect guns through a camera and alert the owner through an app, but many people aren't aware of this! However, there is a constant drone from lawmakers in such states to enact even more restr...

Jerome Adams, MD: A Surgeon General for the Rest of Us?

"I think what we have to do is separate the tool from the perpetrator. Cars are not a public health problem. Car accidents are a public health problem. Guns and gun owners aren't inherently a public health problem but the violence itself absolutely is." That’s what Dr. Jerome Adams, Indiana’s Public Health Commissioner and President Trump’s nominee for Surgeon General said August 1 at his hearing at the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.  (more…)

How Dangerous, Really, Is Lead Ammunition?

A variety of authorities such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the UK Food Standards Agency, as well as the Centers for Disease Control warn that there is no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe. If true, then literally any exposure to lead should be hazardous. These authorities warn that blood lead levels (BLL) even lower than 5 micrograms per deciliter are a matter of serious concern. Scientists confidently assert that using...

Gun Control Hypocrisy is Criminal

[Ed: New writer Wesley Horton, RN has seen it all and doesn't want to see any more of it.] Cities such as Chicago and New York apparently have a gun control problem. Their extensive array of gun control laws continues to fail to prevent violent gun crime. However, there is a constant drone from lawmakers in such states to enact even more restrictive laws and make guns harder to acquire.  The laws in place do just that but, sadly, the law-abiding citizenry are encumbered, and not criminals...

THE SMEAR – A Book Review

The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote           By Sharyl Attkisson, published 2017 Sharyl Attkisson is one of the last real investigative reporters in America.  Not only is she good at investigating, she doesn’t work for any of the biased news organizations that dominate the industry, so she’s free to write about whatever she discovers.  She subscribes to the long lost principles of journalistic ethics, a rare thing...

NY Times Insinuates Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Shooter Did Not Act Alone

[Ed: The Arbalest Quarrel examines Second Amendment legal topics. We thought this worth posting for their take on who the underlying accomplices were, and how media shape readers' opinions by manipulating written and pictorial content. This was edited with approval of the author, attorney Roger Katz, from his original piece due to our space limitations.] By now, anyone who keeps abreast of National news is aware of the tragedy that occurred recently at Bronx Lebanon Hospital in New York...

PTSD, VA & SSA Don’t Play Well with 2A

“No Breather from Work. No Relief from Combat. No Request for Respite. No Slack.” —motto of the No Slack Battalion of the 101st Airborne Infantry When I joined the army in 2005 as an 18 year old , I had no idea what lay in my future. I had written my high school thesis on the Army’s new implementation of helicopters delivering troops to the battlefield in the Ia Drang Valley during the Vietnam War. In Mel Gibson’s film, We Were Soldiers, and through the research I conducted, I learned of the...