Review: “Showdown: The Looming Crisis Over Gun Control”

  [Ed: Dr. Faria's review of Showdown was first published October 26 at His upcoming book is America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements (2019), which we look forward to reviewing.]  Showdown: The Looming Crisis Over Gun Control by Lenden A. Eakin (Mascot Books, 2014) is more than a book about the politics of gun control in the United States. It is a concise narrative not only about “the looming cris...

Concealed-Carry Does NOT Increase Violent Crime

[Ed: We are extremely pleased to share research that DRGO member, former police office, and lead author Mark Hamill, MD, FACS, presented at the Congress of the American College of Surgeons on October 22. It was well received and is now available online. This is a cardfully designed study showing objectively that relaxing concealed carry laws makes no significant difference in violent crime rates. It is expected to appear in the January 2019 issue of the Journal of the American College of Sur...

DRGO at the 2018 Gun Rights Policy Conference

DRGO was again honored to present at the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference September 21-23 in Chicago. Our only regret was missing our Project Director, Dr. Arthur Przebinda, who couldn't attend this year. We spoke on the 23rd: First, the articulate and energetic Dr. Sean Brodale, DRGO's Outreach Director, discussed a couple of recent, all too typical junk "studies" claiming (and objectively failing) to connect things like a high incidence of opiate abuse with Trump voters and 80,000 le...

The Three Boxes of Frederick Douglass

[Ed: This piece grew out of an exchange 'MarkPA' had with 'Sebastian' on the Shall Not Be Questioned discussion forum.] "There are no easy answers.“   Truth in 5 words.  Think of it like this:  All of the problems that have easy answers are solved quickly and no longer draw attention to themselves.  For example, how to sharpen a pencil.  When was the last time you had to think about the answer to this question?  Why do we invest 12 - 16 - 20 years in getting an education if the problems w...

Once the Court Affirms Right to Carry . . .

Now that Brett Kavanaugh has ascended the bench, the Supreme Court is likely to rule on some states’ “may-issue” practices that amount to “won’t-issue” for carry permits.  The recent case of Young v. Hawaii is ripe for consideration.  A three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit has ruled in Young’s favor, granting him his prayer for relief to be issued a permit to open carry.  That is, for an ordinary resident of Hawaii desirous of self-defense to be put on a par with armored car drivers who pr...

What is the Second Amendment About?

We are all know the text of the Second Amendment, and that it means what it says---an armed citizenry is necessary to freedom and that right cannot be infringed in a truly free civilization. But what is it about? Beyond the literal meaning, it bears on everything that matters in a nation of independent people. There is absolutely consistent evidence for this from the men who shaped our country.  DRGO correspondent Dr. Larry Trick researched what many estimable leaders in the founding gene...

What Can 100 Million Armed Americans Tell Us?

Academic articles typically end with an admonition that more data and research are desperately needed to resolve the question under study. That's where this article begins. Professional gun controllers cry out that there is an epidemic of deaths from gunshot wounds in America. In the next Supreme Court session or two we are apt to see confirmation of the right to carry by lawful citizens, thereby overturning the May Issue laws of about 10 highly populated states. Soon, we should expect...

The Healing Power of . . . Firearms?

[Ed: We are happy to post another insightful article by our pediatrician-in-residence, 'Dr. Latebloomer', which just appeared September 28 in GATDaily.]  We’ve all heard the adage “Physician Heal Thyself”. This ancient proverb was originally intended as an admonition to mind one’s own problems rather than advising others on theirs. Physicians (even ancient world ones) have always been notoriously bad at taking care of others’ “business” before their own.  Physicians’ own needs often come ...