The AAP: Emotion Displaces Science

In keeping with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ apparent policy to “Never Let a Tragedy Go to Waste”, it only took 24 hours for their statement about the Florida high school shooting to hit my inbox. It only took until the second paragraph of this “statement” before the very president of the AAP used discredited […]

Untapped Resources: The Doc Squad

[Also, see ‘Dr. Latebloomer’s related piece at GATDaily.] Last summer I went to shoot at a local steel match. I know many of the guys at these club matches, and by pure serendipity, I ended up on what I called the Doc Squad. Five of us on that squad were medical. I found this amusing, […]

Gun Safety Books for Children

Being a pediatrician, I am always on the look-out for new products related to firearms and children. So, it was with great interest that I recently ordered three new books for children, which pertain to firearms and firearm safety.   The newest of the three is a just-released book by Julie Golob, entitled, Toys, Tools, Guns […]

Children and Safe Storage—Why Do Some Resist?

I personally am getting heartsick over reading stories like this. “Accidents” such as this one are not really accidents. They are more like negligence. Unintentional negligence to be sure, but negligence nonetheless. But what drives the negligence? Ignorance? Stubbornness? Denial? Surely no one gets out of bed in the morning announcing that they intend to […]

American Academy of Pediatrics — Welcome to Chicago!

According to all of the junk mail I have been receiving lately, the American Academy of Pediatric’s annual meeting is taking place next month in—wait for it—Chicago! That’s right, one of the most rabid anti-gun medical organizations is holding their national meeting in one of the most rabid anti-gun—yet rife-with-murder—cities in the U. S. One […]

For the Children

There have been many breathless headlines lately about “Child” deaths by firearms, precipitated by the recent publication of a study in the journal Pediatrics, “Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States”. Once again, Organized Medicine is trotting out the dog and pony show about “gun violence” being a “public health problem”, and the media is […]

Coming Out of the Gun Closet?

[Ed: No, this is not ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ pictured.] There are many people in society who are working extremely hard to violate my civil rights. Many of those people, to my disgust, are physicians. Never mind that I am a physician myself. My right to be my true and authentic self is being actively suppressed by […]