Doctors Against Guns

Yes, “Here we are again.” Drs. Malina, Morrissey, Campion, Hamel and Drazen, along with the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, are frustrated. They explain themselves, though not the rest of us, in their editorial “Rooting Out Gun Violence” in the December 16 NEJM. Inexplicably, Americans have somehow resisted the call of the […]

What Happened to Journalistic Ethics at CNN?

The title of today’s lead story on, “What Happened to the CDC’s Courage on Guns?” tells you all you need to know about the story.  Yes, it’s the latest mainstream media fairy tale about Congress’s 1997 withdrawal of tax money to pay for gun control advocacy at the federal Centers for Disease Control and […]

CBS News Gun Porn Hunters Go to—Atlanta?

When I saw this news piece and confirmed it wasn’t a satire, my next thought was “Gun porn. Hmm, is CBS News investigating those traumatizing and soul-crippling images of scantily clad women holding guns?†You know, like this one (WARNING: heavy metal music). And this one, and this one. Was it a slow news day? […]

The American ‘gun culture’ that saved Europe

[Editor’s Note: The following article from Dr. Miguel Faria was recently published at and is republished here with the author’s permission.] An interesting conversation with a European neurosurgical colleague, who decries the “gun culture” of America, took place that may be of interest to readers of GOPUSA. The dialogue began with a difference of opinion on […]

Dr. Rivara’s Political Cure

Dr. Frederick P. Rivara believes guns should be more stringently controlled.  He has nothing but contempt for those who value the Second Amendment. And he thinks people who keep firearms for self-protection have the morals of murderers.  Some newcomers to the public health gun control culture wars may find all this hard to believe in […]