What Does Roanoke Mean?

There’s no greater sensation than when members of the media become victims.  Their deaths are tragedies that cause the same grief thousands of families suffer each year from the homicide of their loved ones (over 16,000 in 2013).  But attacks such as the killing of Alison Parker and Adam Ward and the wounding of Vicki […]

The AMA’s Long March for Gun Control

I find it helpful to look back occasionally at our progress in the culture war waged by organized medicine against gun owners.  The players change and language evolves, generally in an attempt to mask the gun-grabbers’ true intentions.  But one force for gun control has remained constant.  The American Medical Association (AMA) still wants to […]

Shooting rampages, mental health, and the sensationalization of violence

[Editor’s Note: The following article from Dr. Miguel Faria, published in January, 2013 by Surgical Neurology International, is available at haciendapub.com and is republished here with the author’s permission.] The debate on the role of firearms in society has returned with a fury in the United States and the world with the latest shooting rampage […]

Cultural Competence and Firearms

Let me start off with a definition – “Cultural Competence”. The concept of cultural competence or cultural awareness is a very important one in the field of medicine and patient care. Put simply, it involves being aware of, respectful of, and sensitive to, the culture of the population that one serves. This is an important […]

Gun Safety is the New Gun Control

For years now media stories have shifted from calls for gun control in favor of the kinder, gentler term “gun safety”. So it’s not really a new trend. The change was a carefully calculated decision of gun prohibitionists and their many sympathizers in the large media outlets. Gun control, it turns out, is a red […]

Miguel Faria Critiques Anti-Gun Study from American Journal of Preventive Medicine

[Editor’s Note: The following article from Dr. Miguel Faria critiquing the below referenced Hemenway et al paper in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine was recently published at haciendapub.com and is republished here with the author’s permission.] Ecologic studies are notorious for inherent errors of methodology, confounding variables, and magnifying other sample biases intrinsic to fault-prone, population-based epidemiological […]

A Real Conversation About Guns

A couple of weeks ago, a heartfelt academic liberal relative got curious about my writing on gun issues. He asked some meaningful questions when he realized that maybe the answers he’d always heard weren’t the whole story. I thought I’d share our exchanges, since they touch on many mistaken ideas about firearms, their meaning and […]