Hillary’s Logic Liability

During the March 6, 2016 Democratic Party debate, Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she believes that manufacturers and sellers of legal goods should be held liable for the illegal misuse of their product. Saying “…giving immunity to gun makers and sellers was a terrible mistake…We should very seriously work to repeal that…”, she indicated a not-all-that-secret line of attack […]

On Ethics, Government and Firearm Suicide

One of the most contentious questions in the gun debate is whether gun control can affect suicide rates and, if so, should more restrictions be imposed? In the United States, gun suicides outnumber gun homicides by almost two to one.  This creates a problem for supporters of gun control.  They must frighten people to achieve […]

Gun Research: The Truth Is Already Out There

The idea of addressing “gun violence” as a public health problem persists among a number of scientists whom I think should know better: many of my fellow physicians, led by some of our specialty organizations. Guns are not pathogens—it is how they are used that matters. Epidemics are not characterized by gradual steady declines in […]

Critiquing the “Research” Criticizing Guns

The New England Journal of Medicine doesn’t like “research parasites”. That’s the term used in its January 21 editorial “Data Sharing” to disparage people who, among other sins, may “ use the data to try to disprove what the original investigators had posited [my emphasis]. This is an amazing statement by what should be a […]

Can Auto Safety Teach Us How to Reduce Gun Deaths?

The idea that “gun violence” can be addressed in a similar manner as automobile safety has been proposed many times, and for many years.  President Obama has hammered incessantly on this theme.  In the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack Shannon Muchmore and Steven Ross Johnson in a recent article published in Modern Healthcare, […]