The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control (Part II)

[Ed: This is the second part of Dr. Faria’s series, originally published at on May 15, 2001. The double-standard held by the AMA and its organs about using its position “for political purposes” is remarkable. See Part I here.] I was struck one particular morning when I heard on the radio on January 15, […]

Organized Medicine Continues to Scorn Gun Owners

[Editor’s Note: The following article was published by The Hill and is republished here with permission.] I’m a longtime member of the American Medical Association and of my specialty organization, the American Psychiatric Association.  Without their activism, the medical profession would long ago have been reduced to an over-regulated trade, patient rights would be much […]

The AMA, Ethics and Gun Control (Part I)

[Ed:  Dr. Faria originally published this two part article at on May 3, 2001.  We felt it well worth reprinting.  The story is 15 years old, but the plot is the same in 2016, only more so, with the AMA’s recent decision to increase its gun control advocacy.  Part II will follow.] The AMA […]

Statistical Malpractice: The Standard in Anti-Gun “Research”—Part 1

[Editor’s Note: The following article by our colleague Dr. Miguel Faria is his classic discussion of Statistical Malpractice — ‘Firearm Availability’ and Violence (Part I): Politics or Science? as it was originally titled in the Medical Sentinel (2002;7(4):132-133).  It remains a timely reminder of the unending games played by researchers with agendas, and is republished here […]

Two Profiles in Hoplophobia

The public health culture war against gun owners started a quarter century ago and shows no signs of letting up. The steady surge in support of the civil right of gun ownership seems to have spurred medical hoplophobes in universities and in government to renew their efforts to prohibit gun ownership. The big academic gun-grabbers […]

Doctors Kill 23 Times More People Than Guns Kill!

Behold this leading-bleeding scream piece from BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal and formerly a respected source of scientific information for your doctor.  The journal has a history of free-wheeling condemnation of American gun owners, going so far as to advocate attacking their very culture.  Throwing fuel on their own fire, BMJ editors evidently have […]