Dr. Margulies Mentors the American College of Emergency Physicians—Part 2

[Editor: DRGO reprinted a letter in August that our Dr. Robert Margulies sent his specialty association newsletter, ACEPNow, after it published a “Pro-Con” debate about gun control. The next month, the ACEP president issued a baldly political statement about “prejudice which has been directed toward those who are black” by police. Two days later, the […]

Toddlers, Guns and Passion Politics

Hillary Clinton’s intentionally misleading comments during the final Presidential candidate debate on October 19, implying that her opposition to the Heller decision was about the safety of toddlers, is just the latest in the gun-grabbers’ arsenal of obfuscation. Prior to the Heller decision, District of Columbia law required firearms in the home to be kept essentially […]

The Vaccine “Loophole” and Other Myths

In 1998, a group of physicians published a small case study involving just 12 patients in the respected medical journal Lancet, claiming that their results indicated a link between the mumps-measles-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.  The story received wide publicity in the media and spawned a tidal wave of public concern, as well as multiple […]

23 Years of Accomplishment: Tim Wheeler, MD and DRGO

[Editor’s note: This is the third of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend’s 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:25:58.] Nearly a quarter century ago, a young surgeon (well, young by physician standards) discovered that firearm ownership was becoming vilified […]

Taking the Cure to Stop Violence

[Editor’s note: The following letter by Gary Gonsalves, MD (assisted by Rob Morse) was originally published August 29, 2016 in CSA Online First,  by the California Society of Anesthesiologists. It is reproduced here by permission.]   Last week’s blog post, “Gun Violence:  When will we make a change?”, made an emotional appeal for legislative and research solutions […]

The Ten Favorite Lies of the Gun Control Lobby

The principles behind the gun control movement can’t survive even the most basic scrutiny, so the Controllers must constantly fall back on that oldest debating strategy: lies. The lies they favor vary from year to year, sometimes old lies are recycled, sometimes new ones are created and tested to see how well they survive in […]