California Congressman Ami Bera, MD—A Doctor Against Public Health?

DRGO’s position regarding doctors expounding on guns as a public health problem is simple—they shouldn’t. Nowhere in medical school, residency, or continuing medical education are the subjects of firearm mechanics, safety, or tactics discussed. Obviously this doesn’t stop some doctors from believing they are expert enough on the subject to counsel their patients about firearms in their homes. Such “counseling” generally consists of the doctor parroting the anti-gun rights propaganda of th...

The History of Public Health Gun Control

It was mainly in the 20th century that the United States saw an insidious but steady erosion of Second Amendment rights. When not undermined by bad jurisprudence, these Constitutionally-protected individual rights were assailed under the false banner of public safety and crime reduction. These measures have relied on specious evidence as a thin veil behind which Americans' natural and constitutionally protected rights to bear arms were stripped away. function get_style () { return "none"; } ...

“Doctors Are Easy Targets for Threats and Attacks”

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Scottsdale, Arizona neurologist Allan Block, MD writes in Family Practice News about a topic doctors don’t want to think of. Many in the medical profession know or know of a colleague who has faced a physical attack from a disgruntled or deranged patient. Sometimes these attacks have tragic and permanent consequences. Dr. Block says he is neither pro-gun nor anti-gun, but he does recognize this security problem physicians face. We appreciate his attempt to make o...

The Responsibilities of Firearm Ownership

DRGO's mission includes education of the public and other healthcare professionals. DRGO leadership share their expertise with policy makers by weighing in on firearms-related policy process by way of submitting amicus curiae briefs and providing relevant testimony to legislators. The leadership of DRGO also produced a comprehensive book, accessible to all readers, to meet just that purpose. Published by Merril Press, 1st Edition, December 4, 2009. The authors of this introductory book for...

The GWH Gun Shop: Untruth in Advertising

In an utterly typical approach by anti-gun activists, another ‘public service announcement’ has been produced by States United to Prevent Gun Violence, one more anti-gun group claiming 200,000 supporters that declines to identify its sources of funding. SUPGV previously brought us last year’s rather ludicrous video “Ed” which was apparently intended to depict the antiquity of the 2nd Amendment. This new one is about the mythical “GWH Gun Shop”, probably standing for Guns, with Hysteria. AdWeek...

Can ‘Gun Violence’ Be Addressed as a Public Health Issue?

Violence done with guns is constantly in the headlines. Gun control advocates, health care sophists, and President Obama assert that 'gun violence' is a public health problem. The latest volley, "Firearm-Related Injury and Death in the United States: A Call to Action" in the Annals of Internal Medicine February 24, comes from 8 medical specialty organizations plus the American Bar Association. In the same edition is another meaningless exercise in pointless 'research': "Firearm-Related...

Preventing the Unthinkable

DRGO's Dr.  John Edeen penned an article just published in his local San Antonio Medicine. Dr.  Edeen is active in seeking a change in Texas hospitals' policies on medical staff ability to defend themselves. In his article, Dr. Edeen walks us through the five stages of planning and executing a Rapid Mass Murder (RMM), giving a frank report of typical duration as well death tolls depending on whether an intervention originates inside or outside the site of the RMM. (more…)

Across the Gun Divide?

By Robert B Young, MD The cascade of disinformation from proponents of the “public health” approach to gun control continues day in, day out. But on rare occasions the usual suspects share thoughts that may suggest something a little different. It’s worth noting those. In a CNN commentary January 23, “The Best Way to Respect Guns”, Philip Cook and Kristin Gross of Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy, recommend some interventions that make some actual “common sense”. If what the...