Donna, Get Your Guns!

Due process, the Constitutional protection against government imposing its unconstrained will on individuals, is guaranteed in the Fifth Amendment.  But in Second Amendment issues, it is more the exceptions that remind us of the rule. We’ve discussed the lack of due process in psychiatric record reporting and firearm confiscation before. (See Gun Violence Restraining Orders, […]

The Ten Commandments of The Second Amendment

The generations who founded America and our republic saw that ensuring the individual rights of free people was necessary to limiting government power and to their own pursuit of happiness.  This came to be expressed in our Bill of Rights with its ultimate guarantor, the Second Amendment. They believed just as strongly that religious faith […]

Dr. Margulies Mentors the American College of Emergency Physicians—Part 2

[Editor: DRGO reprinted a letter in August that our Dr. Robert Margulies sent his specialty association newsletter, ACEPNow, after it published a “Pro-Con” debate about gun control. The next month, the ACEP president issued a baldly political statement about “prejudice which has been directed toward those who are black” by police. Two days later, the […]

23 Years of Accomplishment: Tim Wheeler, MD and DRGO

[Editor’s note: This is the third of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend’s 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:25:58.] Nearly a quarter century ago, a young surgeon (well, young by physician standards) discovered that firearm ownership was becoming vilified […]

A Gun Owner Goes to the Doctor

Most doctors don’t care whether you own guns and won’t bother asking because they don’t have the time, although some may enjoy chatting about them as shared interests.  But occasionally one will raise the question as if it has something to do with routine medical (“preventive”) care. Here are some examples: –  –  –  –  […]

Gun Violence Restraining Orders, Unrestrained

California is awesome.  It is huge, and varied in people, environments, and cultures.  And it’s a seething cauldron of bizarre ‘progressive’ agendas. We’ve been following some of them through this year’s legislative session.  Two of DRGO’s chief activists, Drs. Timothy Wheeler and Arthur Przebinda, were in Sacramento recently to oppose spending taxpayer dollars to shore […]

An Anti-Gun Glossary

The English language is an inexhaustible gift to writers.  It has the largest vocabulary of any language, with multiple word meanings that vary according to etymology and context.  We even have words that can mean their own opposites, like “sanction”, “oversight”, “left”, “dust”, “stone”, “cleave”, “fast” and others. In the human resources field “resign” can […]