DRGO at the 2017 GRPC: Do We Need Crisis?

(from salon.com)
[Ed: Back from Dallas, we’re posting our presentations this week. You can also watch us in living color at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyEJ7KJMIs] Do we need crisis in this country to pull us together?  It seems that the citizens of this country pull together after a tragedy.  What has been happening over the past year is a travesty and personally, I would say un-American.  When supposedly peaceful demonstrators begin to attack other demonstrators, that's not demonstrating that’s ri...

DRGO at the 2017 GRPC: Introducing 2Adoc.com

(from drgo.com)
[Ed: Back from Dallas, we’re posting our presentations this week. You can also watch us in living color at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyEJ7KJMIs] DRGO is going beyond advocacy and watchdog activities, and taking action to support peoples’ right not to be lectured or recorded regarding their gun ownership. We are introducing 2Adoc.com in order to protect Second Amendment rights and privacy in the relationship between patients and their doctors. This means helping people find prov...

DRGO at the 2017 GRPC: Suppressors and the Hearing Protection Act

(from ammoland.com)
[Ed: Back from Dallas, we're posting our presentations this week. You can also watch us in living color at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyEJ7KJMIs] We’re going to talk about the real public health danger of guns: hearing loss. Old guys like me grew up not knowing this happened. I used everything from my .22 to my 12 gauge carefree; now I know I should have cared. Today, there is more age-related hearing loss than ever, and over 100 million American gun owners are especially at ...

DRGO Does Dallas!

(from drgo.us)
  A special message from DRGO: DRGO leaders are again attending the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, this year in Dallas. We will be speaking at 5:00 pm on Saturday September 29. We know of no live feed, but you can view all the presentations and panels beginning Monday at www.libertywatchradio.com/GRPC_. We’ll be posting to the DRGO Facebook page from the conference, will later add DRGO’s presentation to our YouTube channel, and will report on the conference highlights next we...

Three’s A Crowd

Dateline September 18, 2017: Students from NYU Tandon win $1M smart gun design contest On Monday, Brooklyn’s president, on behalf of Brooklyn, the New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and a gun policy non-profit, announced the latest technology prize, of $1 million. It went to four student inventors from New York University Tandon School of Engineering. Other finalists included a team from New York City College of Technology and a different one from NYU-Tandon. (more…)

Anti-Gun Theology Needs Its Reformation

(from huffingtonpost.com)
Our country has had more than fifty years of strict gun control laws, varying state by state, imposed on law-abiding citizens. The ideology that “gun free zones” and strict gun control laws save people is outdated and has been disproved by historical trends of murder rates and mass shootings. Nearly all mass shootings occur in “gun free zones” where the criminal does not obey the laws set by society. Despite gun free zones, strict gun control laws, and over 16 million licensed concealed carr...

To Err Is Human

(from stevelaube.com)
We at DRGO spend a whole lot of time exploring gun issues every day. That includes research (such as it is), politics, advocacy, policy, and the occasional hobbyist item (because we are, after all, gun enthusiasts). And in everything, there is bias. There is bias in what we publish and talk about, too. We think guns are cool. They are rather simple but finely engineered little machines that nearly always perform their intended function. They are often heirloom material, in some cases demo...

Should Lead-Core Bullets Be Banned?

(from emaze.com)
Ed: An earlier version of this article appeared in the September/October issue of the Canadian Firearms Journal. Also see Dr. Mauser's August 2 DRGO article How Dangerous, Really, Is Lead Ammunition?] The campaign to ban lead ammunition for hunting is based on the far-reaching claim that there are no known safe blood lead levels (BLLs) for neurotoxicity, particularly for children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, Environment Canada, and the UK's Food St...