Electronic Health Records Threaten the Second Amendment

(from infowars.com)
[Ed: We welcome a new author today, a pharmacist working undercover in a front-line state in the gun rights war, who prefers to remain anonymous until escape to a free state becomes possible.] We dodged the bullet. It is now 2018 and we have seen a year of Second Amendment support from the President that would not have been the case if his opponent had won the election. Still, eternal vigilance is required to safeguard our rights. So, I would like to alert the reader to a sinister thre...

How Media Sets Society’s Agendas

(from freepressjournal.com)
American media sets cultural agendas as much as it reports them. There is always dynamic tension across the media spectrum as different outlets show distinct differences in perspective. Media also portrays images in line with their agenda to achieve desired effects. This is very evident in political coverage, especially in coverage of war, crime, gun rights, and the Second Amendment. (more…)

Two Cases and Some History Illustrating the Need for 2Adoc.com

DRGO has been receiving email inquiries about referrals to gun-friendly healthcare providers for years. From the time I joined DRGO's leadership in 2015, I've seen a steadily increasing stream of such emails. Since the launch of 2Adoc.com in September 2017, something new has started occurring: people have been contacting us to tell us they are being inappropriately asked about gun ownership. It has long been the position of DRGO that such questioning (and the ant-gun propagandizing that u...

Case Closed: Kleck Was Correct

(from mssblog.com)
HUGE news broke at the end of last week. Gary Kleck, PhD, the David J. Bordua Emeritus Professor of Criminology at Florida State University, published a new paper:  "What Do CDC’s Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses?" The heart of the matter is that Dr. Kleck and co-author Marc Gertz, PhD were right in their 1995 blockbuster study, “Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun”, about the number of defensive gun uses in 1992—as many as 2.4 m...

Letters: On Irrational Proposals to Ban Guns and to Raise the Legal Age to Purchase Them

(from thoughtco.com)
[Ed: Our correspondent, Dr. Janis Chester, offered to share a couple of letters she's written in her mission to support gun rights in Delaware. First is her letter to the editor of the Cape Gazette, published April 2. Below that you'll find her letter to her state representative, Sean Lynn from March 20. She knows how to communicate the pro-gun perspective on public issues. She is polite but pointed, fact-based and logical, clear and convincing. Don't underestimate the power of a well-writte...

The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action by David Kopel

[Ed: We've previously reviewed books educating young people about gun safety. Here's one educating adults about the historical justification of self-defense, individually and collectively. First published on HaciendaPub.com 3/15/18.] David Kopel's monumental book, The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action: The Judeo-Christian Tradition (2017) has not received the attention it deserves for such a well-researched and magnificently written tome. Kopel has succeeded in objectively discussi...

Should the U.S. adopt gun control as in the British Commonwealth or Japan?

(from wsj.com)
[With the current gun control hysteria, timely questions with answers that have to be raised over and over. First published on HaciendaPub.com 4/5/18.] Following the Parkland high school mass shooting on Valentine’s Day, gun control has once again been pushed to the forefront of political discussion by gun prohibitionists exploiting each and every tragedy to carry on their not so hidden agenda. This time they have even recruited teenagers, who understandably fear not only deranged madmen...

A Snapshot of Firearm Storage in America

(from personaldefenseworld.com)
At the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the monotheism of gun control advocacy has taken root so deeply that their faculty, no doubt an extremely intelligent group, seems blinded to its pervasiveness. Consider this recent story about one of their younger colleagues. In it, they tout the bona fides of Dr. Cassandra Crifasi, an assistant professor who also owns firearms. In describing her gun ownership, Dr. Daniel Webster, the director of the Bloomberg School’s Center for ...