DRGO: The Future

[Editor’s note: This is the last of four presentations DRGO leadership gave at this weekend’s 31st annual Gun Rights Policy Conference hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation in Tampa. See the video, beginning at 9:36:35.] I want to thank Alan Gottlieb and Julianne Versnel and their staff for once again putting on the best networking […]

The Sandwich Method of Gun Control “Journalism”

At DRGO we’ve often written about advocacy science, which really isn’t science at all.  Rather, it is politics masquerading as science.  There’s also such a thing as advocacy journalism, which really isn’t journalism at all.  It is politics masquerading as journalism. DRGO recently was approached by Kaiser Health News reporter Shefali Luthra for a story […]

Waiting Your Turn

Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police are Still Minutes Away, by Chris Bird (Privateer Publications, 2016, 408 pages).  Review by Dr. Timothy Wheeler, Director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership. Any reasonably informed American can tell you who Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were.  Their names are indelibly linked with the name […]

Gun Ownership is a Civil Right

The online physician magazine Medical Economics deals with practice management and technology subjects of concern to doctors.  Last week it provoked its readers with an emotional rant against the American civil right of gun ownership, written by Los Angeles doctor Monya De.  De demonstrates no qualifications on the subject other than ignorant contempt for gun […]

The American College of Surgeons Wants to Have a Conversation About Your Guns

The staid American College of Surgeons (ACS) has mostly kept out of the culture wars against American gun owners started years ago by other organized medicine groups.  But now they want to push gun prohibitionists’ political goals, including banning America’s favorite firearms.  And although they will deny it, they don’t want any back talk from […]

A Sweep of Every House

On Independence Day weekend California Governor Jerry Brown, with the stroke of a pen, created several million brand new criminals in the once-Golden State.  Before jumping on a plane for a European vacation, he signed six of the eleven gun control bills sent to him by the one-party lynch mob that California’s legislature has become.  […]