DRGO Update for September 8, 2018


Activity has slowed down a little lately, but DRGO and the rest of the Second Amendment community are now ramping up for the 33rd annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, this year in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel. Yes, we’re bringing the word to one of the least firearm friendly cities in America–but they need us more than we need them. It is sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens’ Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and will go from Thursday September 21 through Sunday September 23. At least two of us will be speaking on Sunday morning.

We hope to see you there!.

Robert B Young, MD
Executive Editor,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.

Arthur Z Przebinda, MD
Project Director,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.

John Edeen, MD
Membership Director,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.

Sean Brodale, DO
Director of Outreach,
Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.

For editorial and publication inquiries, contact Robert B. Young, MD, DRGO Executive Editor: [email protected]

New articles:

This week, Dr. Young wrote a follow-up September 6, “Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct”, about Gary Keck, PhD’s discovery and further analysis of the CDC’s surveys in the 1990’s that essentially confirmed his and Marc Gertz, PhD’s earlier findings. Kleck’s final conclusions show over 1 million DGUs yearly based just on the CDC’s work, which still demonstrates the far greater number of lives and injuries prevented than the loss of lives and injuries caused by shootings.

On September 4, ‘MarkPA’ reminded us that “Public Health Officials Lie–That’s What They’re Paid For”. He mentions several examples, and makes clear their pervasive agenda to determine what choices Americans should and shouldn’t have, especially about guns.

John Edeen, MD, DRGO Membership Director, attended an intensive course on stopping active shooters at the Firearms Academy of Seattle. Dr. Brodale was there too. In “Active Shooter Interdiction” August 30,Dr. Edeen debriefs us, which should encourage everyone to what to do when our fellow human beings need us most.

On August 28, we were happy to repost an article that our ‘Dr. LateBloomer’ wrote for GATdaily.com about “Gun-Friendly Health Care at 2ADoc.com”. She described the contribution to respectful, patient-centered health care 2ADoc.com is making at a time when medicine at large is claiming authority over whether patients should own firearms. Please check this out; we are matching patients with providers, but still want to enroll many more primary care physicians.

“The Latest ‘Gun Violence Crisis’ in Canada”, by Gary Mauser, PhD and new contributor Vincent Harinam on August 21 examined the political fallout that the most recent mass shootings have there. They document why yet stricter gun control is not the answer, and how improving mental illness treatment, targeting gangs and organized crime, and strengthening border control against smuggling drugs and guns into Canada could.

“Sentimental Journeys: How We Feel About Who Has Guns” August 16 is a thoughtful piece by ‘MarkPA’ about a core issue determining people’s positions about guns–how they feel about others owning and carrying.

On August 14, Sean Brodale, DO, DRGO Outreach Director, reported on “More JAMA Junk Science”. This was about an article titled “Association of Chronic Opioid Use With Presidential Voting Patterns in US Counties in 2016”. This a curious and interesting relationship, but it is neither medical nor science, and serves no point beyond tarring voters for their areas’ addictions and voting preferences all at once.

Media appearances and other activity:

Dr. Young was interviewed for a Guns.com article “Study: Disconnect between veteran gun storage beliefs and suicide risk” September 5. This reviewed a study that postulated that veteran suicides might be reduced by encouraging them to lock up their weapons. It did not explain how that could make any difference with  veterans holding their own keys.d

Dr. Edeen appeared on Eye on the Target Radio with Amanda & Bob August 20 and discussed junk “gun violence” research, government restricting gun ownership, and good training (see above for his article on “Active Shooter Interdiction”).

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