Rasmussen Poll: 65% of Americans See Gun Rights as Protection Against Tyranny

Since the Newtown mass shooting polls have given occasionally conflicting results on various questions about gun ownership. But the general mood is toward affirming the right to keep and bear arms. And this belief cuts across party lines. Politicians should heed Bill Clinton’s advice and tread very carefully in considering new gun control measures.  “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American adults think the purpose of the Second Amendment is to make sure...

Yahoo News Article on Federally Funded Gun “Research”

Timothy Wheeler, MD I was interviewed for this article in Yahoo News. This article, one of dozens placed in news outlets nationwide since the Newtown shooting, is more balanced than similar media coverage of this topic in the past. Still it perpetuates a meme that public health advocacy researchers are desperately pushing now—only gun research done by them counts, and privately funded criminology research doesn’t exist. The reporter mentions that: “a National Academy of Sciences review ...

Public Health Gun Control: A Brief History—Part II

Timothy Wheeler, MD In Part I of this three-part series I laid out the background and general intentions of public health gun control activists in the early years of their campaign. In this part we relate the events that led to exposure of the Centers for Disease Control in its crucial roles. Those roles were the channeling of taxpayer money to public health academicians prominent in gun control advocacy research, and conducting its own campaign of taxpayer-funded gun control advocacy. An ...

Harvard Gun Control Research Center

By Timothy Wheeler, MD OK, it’s really the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. But the title of this post reflects the reality. It’s a division of the Harvard School of Public Health, which we described last week as one of the longtime gun control advocacy research factories. This page from their web site lists some of the Harvard team’s “research” findings. Let’s examine each item: 1. Across states, more guns = more unintentional firearm deaths We analyzed data for 50 states over 1...

Regulating Guns Out of Existence—The Public Health Way

The Harvard School of Public Health is a factory for gun control schemes disguised as legitimate public health initiatives. David Hemenway has long been the chief author of their product, and his aversion to guns and gun owners is well known. See my review of his book Private Guns, Public Health. His team’s latest offering of treatments for the disease of gun ownership appear in a journal well known to readers as a vehicle for political content.  The Journal of the American Medical Association p...

The American College of Physicians Believes in the Monster Under The Bed

OK, not really. But they might as well. As we recently wrote, the American College of Physicians (ACP) has jumped headfirst back into gun control advocacy since the Sandy Hook mass shooting. In their New Year’s Day editorial they mention the ACP’s 1998 position paper on gun control, wondering why it didn’t get more traction back then. Well, just maybe it’s because of bloopers like this: “Internists believe that the regulation of firearms can reduce gun injuries and deaths and that physicians ...

The American College of Physicians Doesn’t Know American Gun Owners

By Timothy Wheeler, MD The Newtown school mass shooting has awakened the medical establishment’s long-dormant urges to order our lives in areas it knows nothing about.  Now the American College of Physicians (ACP) is prescribing drastic measures against gun owners.  If prescribing outside of a doctor’s area of competence is malpractice, then the editors of the ACP journal the Annals of Internal Medicine are guilty. In a New Year’s Day editorial, (an earlier version is linked here) the Anna...