Spuriouser and Spuriouser

Anyone interested in gun rights knows that both sides of the debate present statistics to support their claims. All too often, however it is the opponents of the natural and human right to self defense tend to stretch the premise. Cherry picking is an understatement at times. Spurious correlations abound in support of outlandish arguments against the right to keep and bear arms. I view statistics the way I view radioactive materials (with which I deal as a matter of my profession): they h...

D.C. Mayor’s Civil Rights Hatred—Chapter Five

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Washington, D.C., to its lasting disgrace, is the epicenter of the civil rights struggle of our time—the fight to exercise our right to keep and bear arms. At a meeting in the District of Columbia’s St. Augustine’s Catholic Church last month, newly elected D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser assured her audience:   “You have a mayor who hates guns. If it was up to me, we wouldn’t have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swear to protect the Constitution and what...

Herd Immunity Courtesy of Concealed Carriers

By Timothy Wheeler, MD The psychiatrist Sarah Thompson, MD first wrote about herd immunity conferred on the general population by a small minority of people willing to accept the responsibility of concealed carry of a firearm for self-protection. Criminals hate the prospect of getting shot, and when they know a certain number of their potential victims are armed, they tend to look elsewhere for easier prey. With the current measles outbreak, the public is getting an education in the pr...

ASLCVP & GVROs: Alphabet Soup that Could Put Gun Owners at Risk

Billed as “bipartisan” and even “bistate” (the history of competition, and even antagonism, between their states precedes the Civil War), two state legislators are seeking publicity for a proposal coming from the American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention (ASLGVP). Kansas state Representative Barbara Bollier and Missouri state Representative Stacey Newman presented their “common sense” plan to prevent domestic violence via confiscation of guns from convicted stalkers and domestic...

Slander as Science: Public Health’s Vicious Attack on Gun Owners

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Public health gun prohibitionists have been down on their luck for a very long time now. It is true that they can claim some advances in gun control policy in the bluest states, and the Obama administration’s regulators continue to hungrily eat out the substance of the Second Amendment. But gun rights policy, bolstered as it must be by public opinion, is tending steadily toward firearms freedom. And the medical gun grabbers are becoming desperate. Partisans of gu...

Dr. Young debunks American Psychological Association’s anti-gun report

By Robert B Young, MD (published at The Gun Writer) “People with guns kill people” is an apparently sensible heading for a report on “gun violence” by a professional organization that regards firearms as dangers for which availability and access should be restricted. Gun Violence: Prediction, Prevention, and Policy was presented in August by the American Psychological Association (APA) at its annual meeting. It rightly calls attention to the need to understand factors in development, com...

Dr. Edeen Responds to Reader Emails

By John Edeen, MD [Editor's Note: After our publication of Dr. Edeen's article "A Tale of Two Shootings" some readers wrote in, stating that Dr. Edeen was incorrect and not up to date regarding the carrying of concealed handguns into hospitals in Texas. Below, is Dr. Edeen's collective response.] I would like to respond to several emails that correctly point out that since 2007, the concealed handgun license law in Texas was changed to provide a defense of possession of a firearm in pr...

D.C. Mayor’s Civil Rights Hatred—Chapter Four

By Timothy Wheeler, MD For almost a decade now Washington, D.C. has been the epicenter of the civil rights struggle of our time—the fight to exercise our right to keep and bear arms. At a meeting in the District of Columbia’s St. Augustine’s Catholic Church last month, newly elected D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser assured her audience:  “You have a mayor who hates guns. If it was up to me, we wouldn’t have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swear to protect the Constitution and what th...