Sticks and Stones … and Stereotypes

I’ve met a lot of people who like guns.  Although a large number are older, white and male, there are increasing numbers of women, a mix of ethnic and racial groups, all religious identities (or none) and all ages from all walks of life. We include all types of personalities, lifestyles and other interests.  So we are pretty much like any mix of Americans, linked because we appreciate firearms and what we can do with them along with valuing our right to keep and bear them. (more…)

Blood Porn at The Trace and Washington Post

[WARNING: In this entry we link images from The Trace and the Washington Post that readers may find disturbing.] As public opinion and consequently firearm policy have steadily tended toward affirming the Second Amendment, gun prohibitionists have reacted by becoming frantic. They now push the limits of decency, even in a popular culture that no longer sets many limits. (more…)

The Reverend Todd Goddard on Responsible Gun Ownership

[Editor's Note:  One of our readers was thoughtful enough to share this with us.  It was originally written for fellow clergy.  We appreciate his reflections on responsibilities we all share.] Dear friends, As a pastor of 30 years, I serve people who come in every flavor. I am called to pastor flocks that are from the right and the left, and everyone in-between. I pray for those touched by gun violence. But I pray for everyone touched by all violence. For where there is violence, there is ...

His Excellency, Hizzoner, and Our Civil Rights

It was certainly good intentions that prompted a recent letter to the Chicago Tribune from Blase J. Cupich, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Chicago [letter available behind a paywall].  He believes Pope Francis meant more than disarming foreign tyrants when the pope last month admonished America “to stop the arms trade”. Cupich wants the Pope’s prescription applied within American borders as well.  He seems to share the civil rights-infringing instincts of Mayor Emanuel, the earthly ruler o...

Bias In, Bias Out

What do a couple of well-educated investment professionals have to say about gun control?  A lot, if you’re Evan DeFilippis and Devin Hughes.  How authoritative are they?  Let’s say that’s a matter of opinion.  Highly, in theirs and in that of The Trace, which published their latest effort, What Caused the Two-Decade Dip in Crime Rates?  Not 'Good Guys with Guns'.  This is a scattershot opinion piece chock full of statistics and analysis to justify the usual anti-gun beliefs. They’re righ...

An Open Letter to Dr. Ben Carson: Gun Control Politics at the CDC

[Editor’s note: Last week presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson hinted his possible support for the creation of a database of “dangerous people” to reduce mass shootings by preventing such people from gaining access to firearms. Dr. Carson further stated he does not oppose repealing the ban on federal funding for gun research at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Below is DRGO’s open letter to Dr. Carson responding to his statements.] (more…)

The American ‘gun culture’ that saved Europe

[Editor’s Note: The following article from Dr. Miguel Faria was recently published at and is republished here with the author’s permission.] An interesting conversation with a European neurosurgical colleague, who decries the "gun culture" of America, took place that may be of interest to readers of GOPUSA. The dialogue began with a difference of opinion on an unrelated topic, but in the course of that exchange, I happened to innocently use a figure of speech that offended...

The Collective Failure of Gun-Free Zones

President Obama, in his address on the Oregon Community College shooting, asserts that we are “collectively answerable”. As a responsibly armed American I heartily agree—we are answerable for the disastrous failure of so-called “gun-free zones” to stop mass shootings. The Chattanooga recruiting center, Charleston AME church, and Lafayette theater shootings, and now the massacre at Umpqua Community College all happened in so-called “gun free zones”.   (more…)