DRGO Update for March 20, 2017

3 Things DRGO Needs Right Now to Be More Effective Dear friends and colleagues; With the start of 2017, our nation witnessed a dramatic change in leadership and DRGO saw the retirement of our Founder and Director, Dr. Timothy Wheeler. As Project Director, I want see DRGO become a more dynamic, member-driven advocacy and watchdog group.... (more…)

Midnight Rider

(from thinglink.com)
Hello, folks!  This is Johnny Bullseye, your Second Amendment reporter, bringing you another exciting interview from the annals of firearm history.  Today we are privileged to interview that great American patriot, Paul Revere. “Paul, most Americans remember you for your famous midnight ride on April 18, 1775.  What was that all about?” “Well, Johnny, in those days old King George knew he could never impose his will on us as long as we had arms.  So his army, commanded by General Gage,...

Common Sense Tongue Control

(from janetstobie.com)
What happens when journalists meet principles?  They stand on them—and sometimes tromp all over them. It is remarkable that journalists, usually curious generalists reporting on many things they didn’t learn about in college, often aren’t inquisitive enough to study serious Constitutional scholarship before expounding their take about the individual rights codified in the first five amendments. They’ll spend months investigating unsolved crimes or shifty politicians hoping for a revela...

Community in Firearms

(from bigmedia.org)
Much has been written and many hands have been wrung by Organized Medicine about the perceived "evils" of firearms.  The minions of Organized Medicine work furiously and insidiously—both publicly and in the privacy of the exam room—to undermine a private citizen's right to own and use firearms. They warp statistics and leverage emotions in order to paint the exercise of a Constitutional right as evidence of a flawed morality, or even as a "disease" to be eradicated. Putting the lie to thi...

The Assault Mop

(from thefreethoughtproject.com)
A lot of California politicians have declared open season on the 2nd Amendment. Whenever I listen to one of their logically limp lamentations, a persistent thought comes to mind. "What if . . . just what if they ever succeeded?" They would certainly ban the private ownership of all firearms. With this unsettling thought vexing my brain, I began to think about implements other than guns that might be used for personal self-defense. (more…)

DRGO Update for March 6, 2017

We're glad to have you with us, knowing you are more representative of our profession than our specialty organizations when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms. Please let your friends and colleagues know that DRGO can speak for them, too. Invite them to review the website and, if they value what we are doing, to join us, too. (more…)

Inconvenient Truth

(from zerohedge.com)
There are certain basic truths, and some of them are unpleasant. We often hide these facts from children until they’re old enough to handle them. For example, [Spoiler alert!] Santa Claus isn’t real, there’s no such thing as the Easter Bunny, Mom and Dad don’t know everything and, eventually, everyone dies. But hiding from those truths doesn’t make them go away. Like gravity, they affect everyone equally regardless. (more…)

Anti-Gun Academics Cry: “Please Send Money!”

(from wired.com)
Emma Grey Ellis, who writes for Wired Magazine, was kind enough to share her anti-gun bias with us last month in her article:  “Gun Research Will Get Even More Difficult Under NRA-Friendly Trump”. The first clue to her bias is not the title, but the large picture of a handgun aimed directly at you.  That’s a favorite gambit of anti-gun editors to put you in the right frame of mind to appreciate their enlightened pronouncements. Let me save you the trouble of reading it. (more…)