How to Make Friends and Influence People—About Guns

The antagonism of medical leaders has infected too many physicians with disregard for the Second Amendment and the value of firearms. More than anything, DRGO's purpose is to correct that. But addressing these prejudices, once established, is an uphill battle. Just as more, better speech is the best response to hateful speech, education and positive experience is the antidote to the toxic attitudes of hoplophobic academics. But when you aren't inside the ivy-covered walls, it's a big orde...
More Will Connect Patients with Gun-Friendly Providers

Patients want to trust their provider to not make mistakes and to not lie to them. Unfortunately, when it comes to guns, medical organizations have not been living up to that expectation. Medical associations have been insinuating an anti-gun political agenda into the patient-doctor relationship for decades. Patients are routinely being asked about gun ownership. Worse, many physicians commit boundary violations by pressing anti-gun messages on patients. Frankly, medicine has an institut...

DRGO Launches to Match Patients with Gun-Friendly Providers

For Immediate Release:                             Contact:  Arthur Z. Przebinda, MD.  (425) 454-7012 DRGO Launches to Match Patients with Providers In response to a growing demand for healthcare professionals who respect patient privacy and the right to keep and bear arms, DRGO invites healthcare providers who respect Second Amendment rights to join a free referral service. The service will help patients find healthcare providers who respect their constitutional rights. ...

Clean Shooting

Lead—it's an ever-present element in the life of a firearms enthusiast. And, yes, over time lead exposure can become more of a concern, and eventually develop into lead poisoning. Lead poisoning consequences include high blood pressure, pain in the joints and muscles, difficulty with neurological and cognitive functions, mood disorders and more. Ingesting it is not a recipe for a good time, that's for sure. In the context of firearms, lead comes from many sources, some of them not-so-obvi...

Crazy for Thinking

Just when you thought the anti-gunners couldn’t get any crazier . . . If you happened to take a few minutes to peruse the “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” Facebook page in an attempt to learn about the terrible events in Charlottesville recently, you might have been a little confused. Their page was filled with stories about “armed intimidation” and “armed demonstrators”.   (more…)

Firearms and “Rural” Suicides

A number of national media have recently given attention to a report titled Urban–Rural Differences in Suicide in the State of Maryland: The Role of Firearms published this month by the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH). The conclusion being drawn from this publication is that gun-related suicides may be more common in rural than in urban areas. This paper, not published in printed form, by Johns Hopkins academics has been made available online – for a fee. The the authors say thei...

Firearms and cultural competence: considerations for mental health professionals

Gianni Pirrelli, PhD is a licensed New Jersey clinical psychologist and a friend of DRGO. He has shown sympathy for folks whose firearms have been confiscated and are trying to convince government that they are actually safe and responsible and deserve them to be returned. The subject for Dr. Pirelli and his co-author Philip Witt, PhD, a forensic psychologist, in this new paper is the culture of firearms ownership.  It was just published in the Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Re...

On Public Speaking: How to Talk

[Ed: How one delivers information can determine reception even more than the content.  Dr. Shaver shares his expertise here about how to do that well. It is beyond sad then to report that Ron suddenly passed away since our last contact just two days ago. He was looking forward to our publishing this today, and so we shall. Our prayers and best wishes go to his family now.] As a health care professional with an interest and expertise in firearms and the Second Amendment, you may be calle...