Stay in Your Lane!

“Stay in your lane!” they yelled, as I barged into the OR.  The self-righteous Neurosurgeon glared at me icily as I marched over behind him.  “Get the hell out of here – I’m in the middle of Mrs. Jones’ brain, and her Glioblastoma!!!  What do you think you’re doing ?!?” he yelled. “I’m the Neuroradiologist, you inconsiderate fool” I shouted back.  “I know she’s got a Glio – that’s why I’m here!!” I screamed back at him. (more…)

The Blame Game

Let’s play a little game, just between us physicians, shall we? Are you offended by the implication that you, as a lawful prescriber, are to blame for the opioid epidemic? Are you tired of the government telling you how you should practice medicine--all because of the actions of the criminal and the irresponsible? Are you tired of being asked to jump through hoop after hoop in order to “prove” that you are a responsible and competent physician? (more…)

Medical Groups Should Stay In Their Lane

The NRA’s response to the American College of Physicians trotting out its same old recommendations of infringing on the Second Amendment rights of Americans after the Thousand Oaks mass murder has ignited a social media firestorm. DRGO was asked for a comment on the matter by the Wall Street Journal, which predictably gave our voice the typical sandwich treatment. (more…)

Borderline Bar and Camp Fire–A Tale of Two Tragedies

Our nation just witnessed two California tragedies, back-to-back: The mass killing of a dozen party goers at the Borderline country bar, and the Camp Wildfire rapidly marching toward three dozen deaths with hundreds missing.  I’m experiencing a double dose of frustration because I am at a loss to conceive of a solution that guarantees against a repeat of either type of loss. (more…)

Survival Jogging and the Right to Bear Arms

The tragedy of University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts calls each of us to take responsibility for our own security.  Government does not and cannot actually protect us and our dependents. Each of us must look primarily to ourselves. Mollie was apparently bushwhacked while jogging on a lightly traveled road where she was vulnerable. Her sole defensive weapon was her cell phone. As I travel down nearby US 202 I see many individual women jogging alone on the trail that runs along the rig...

Women’s Rights to Life, Liberty, and the RKBA

Frontpage Mag  recently published an article titled “Female Christian Victims of Boko Haram”.  It recounts the predicament of Leah Sharibu, a 15 year-old Nigerian taken eight months before.  Her captors have threatened the Nigerian government that they will murder her. These same captors recently executed Saifura Hussaini Ahmed Khorsa, a 25 year-old Red Cross aid worker.  Leah is held with midwife Hauwa Mohammed Liman and nurse Alice Loksha Ngaddah.  All three are threatened with executio...

DRGO Update for November 2, 2018

A message from DRGO: Our biweekly Update unfortunately became monthly this time. But that gives us so much more to appreciate and to report, which you'll find detailed below. The biggest news represents a remarkable watershed in mainstream medical research. For the first time, a major journal (of the American College of Surgeons) has accepted an article that finds that reflects reality: concealed carry, of any degree of freedom, does NOT correlate to changes in the rate of vi...

Doctors Without Partisans

[DRGO correspondent 'MarkPA' used his anonymity to infiltrate the NASEM conference on preventing "gun violence". This is his report.]  The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine conducted a workshop in Washington DC (and on-line) on October 17-18, 2018, titled “Health Systems Interventions to Prevent Firearm Injuries and Death”.  The workshop was sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and the American Hospital Association. (more…)