Guns Save Lives (and Money)

[Ed: After posting, we learned that Dr. Kleck is revisiting the CDC data. Its surveys were apparently done in only 15 states, with about a quarter of the U.S. population then. These did give  a mix of rural and urban, gun friendly and unfriendly. So they still support Kleck’s findings, but upon Dr. Kleck publishing […]

The AMA versus Americans

The AMA just announced that it will make an “unprecedented” push for more gun control laws through resolutions presented at its House of Delegates at its next annual meeting June 9-13. This is not really unprecedented, as the AMA has been advocating anti-gun measures for three decades now, along with many co-conspirator specialty associations. But […]

Case Closed: Kleck Was Correct

HUGE news broke at the end of last week. Gary Kleck, PhD, the David J. Bordua Emeritus Professor of Criminology at Florida State University, published a new paper:  “What Do CDC’s Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses?” The heart of the matter is that Dr. Kleck and co-author Marc Gertz, PhD were […]

What’s Missing from the “Gun Control Debate”? Respecting the Science

[Ed: This first appeared February 26 on American Greatness as “Gun Grabbers Deny the Science”, slightly expanded here.] Mark Rosenberg, MD, MPP, former assistant surgeon general and founder of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control, claimed in Politico this week that there is still too little useful […]

DRGO in the New Year

First, DRGO wishes all a happy and, in whatever way matters to you, successful New Year! During the coming year, we will continue to cover everything we find of interest regarding gun rights vs. gun control, medical and health matters regarding firearm use, both research and “research” about the impact of guns in America.