DRGO Update for September 8, 2018

News: Activity has slowed down a little lately, but DRGO and the rest of the Second Amendment community are now ramping up for the 33rd annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, this year in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Hotel. Yes, we’re bringing the word to one of the least firearm friendly cities in America–but they need us […]

Case Closed: Kleck is Still Correct

In April, we wrote about the unpublished Centers for Disease Control survey from 1996-1998 that evidently confirmed the findings of Gary Kleck, PhD and Marc Gertz, PhD from 1992 that there were likely about 2.4 million civilian defensive gun uses (DGUs) each year in the United States. Dr. Kleck discovered that CDC data last fall […]

More JAMA Junk Science

[Ed: The amazing bias in medical journalism, notably in JAMA,  has previously been described by Dr. Wheeler in “Another Failure of Peer Review at JAMA“. It’s just getting worse.] Mainstream medicine is at it again.  Amazingly enough it is not about gun control, although it sounds remarkably familiar.  The most recent article to grace the […]

Can Kaiser Permanente Be Honest in Gun Research?

The San Francisco Bay area-based health care giant Kaiser Permanente has announced in a press release that it is “investing $2 million in research to prevent gun injuries and death.” In a Washington Post article, co-leader of the new Kaiser Permanente Task Force on Firearm Injury Prevention David Grossman, MD, MPH was quoted as saying “the […]

America, Guns, and Freedom — Part III

[Ed: Here is “the rest of the story”, concluding Dr. Faria’s wide-ranging piece originally published in Surgical Neurology International in 2012. See out preceding I and II for our sequential excerpts; the full version is at HaciendaPub.com. Please see the original for the author’s references.] SUICIDE, ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS, CHILDREN AND GUNS

America, Guns, and Freedom — Part II

[Ed: Here is an excerpt from Part II of the editorial contributor Manuel Faria, MD, published in Surgical Neurology International in 2012. Our shortened Part I is here; the full version is at HaciendaPub.com. The rest (our Part III)will follow. Please see the originals for the author’s references.] In his celebrated book, The Samurai, the […]

America, Guns, and Freedom — Part I

[Ed: To recognize America’s Independence Day, we are posting a shortened version of an editorial contributor Manuel Faria, MD first published in Surgical Neurology International in 2012, still available at HaciendaPub.com. We highly recommend the full version there, which includes examples from other countries of the losses that have come from their minimizing the individual […]