Gun Control Advocacy at Ole Miss Medical School?

I was interviewed for this article about guns and public health in the latest issue of CenterView, a publication of the University of Mississippi Medical Center. I like the quote, “…here in the South, where the Second Amendment looms like an Eleventh
 Commandment.”  But what’s worrisome is two trauma surgeons quoted as being on board with the “guns are a public health problem” meme. I remember treating trauma patients, including many gunshot wounds in my career.  Trauma surgeons don’t see the...

Don’t American (and Indian) Women Deserve Protection From Rape?

This article is from India West, a California Bay area-based newspaper targeting Indian-American readers.  Subject of the article, a medical student at the famously anti-gun rights Johns Hopkins University, describes her advocacy for several gun control measures currently before Congress. Living and working in the crime-ridden city of Baltimore, she seems to believe the rest of the country’s gun owners are like the typical inner city criminals she treats. As educated as she is, this Indian-Am...

Gun Safety? That’s Not What Medical Activists Are Promoting

I was interviewed for this article in the 2/10/13 Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. Other doctors interviewed for the article insist that they ask their patients about their guns only out of concern for gun safety. But, as I point out in the article, firearm safety is not taught in medical school or residency. But gun control activism certainly is. Pediatricians, internal medicine specialists, family doctors, and even general surgeons get at least some minimum exposure to the anti-gun rights policies of ...

Public Health Gun Control: A Brief History—Part III

by Timothy Wheeler, MD In Part I and Part II of this three-part series we described the political movement of organized medicine and public health activists to advance gun control during the 1990s and into the 2000s.  During the first decade of the new century public reaction blunted the public health gun control push.  In this part we will show that the medical gun prohibitionists are enjoying a resurgence of publicity provided by a sympathetic and generally anti-gun media.  This is largely ...

Sue Them Out of Business—The Gun Grabbers Try it Again

Anti-gun rights California congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is one of many big-city politicians eager to use the dead children of Newtown, Connecticut to push new gun control.  In this Los Angeles Times article he urges the revival of an old gun control tactic—litigating your enemies to death.  He wants to restore the right to drag firearm manufacturers and dealers into court when criminals use their products to commit violent crimes.  Such fraudulent lawsuits typically don’t end in a plainti...

Virginia Homicides Decrease as Gun Sales Soar

Dr. Wheeler is interviewed on NRA News Cam and Company about an article in the Richmond Times Dispatch discussing new research. State data for Virginia debunk the persistent claim that more guns in private hands mean more crime. My fellow Cleveland Clinic alumnus, the famed forensic pathologist Dr. Marcella Fierro, is quoted at the end of the article: “Marcella Fierro, who retired in 2008 as Virginia’s chief medical examiner, said it remains to be seen whether a correlation exists between a gre...

We Are All Murderers

The thought processes of gun control advocates are fascinating, to say the least. One recurring theme is the notion that anyone, anywhere can turn from a sane, law-abiding citizen into a murderous maniac. Nobody can be trusted not to shoot his neighbor, the thinking goes, so all of us are in need of regulation by the government. This Huffington Post article discusses mental illness and gun control. It quotes long-time professional anti-gun advocacy researcher Dr. Garen Wintemute as saying, “...