Bigotry in the San Bernardino County Medical Society

Nearly a month ago I was asked to complete a member satisfaction survey from my county medical society.  As part of my response I sent a letter to San Bernardino County Medical Society president Michael Sequeira, MD, published November 1 in this blog.  I expressed my personal opposition to Proposition 63, a California gun control ballot initiative (the initiative passed on November 8 by a large margin). (more…)

The Ten Commandments of The Second Amendment

The generations who founded America and our republic saw that ensuring the individual rights of free people was necessary to limiting government power and to their own pursuit of happiness.  This came to be expressed in our Bill of Rights with its ultimate guarantor, the Second Amendment. They believed just as strongly that religious faith was necessary to the health of a people and to good governing.   Protestant Christians were most numerous, but Roman Catholics and Jews were present ea...

Dr. Margulies Mentors the American College of Emergency Physicians—Part 3

[Editor:  Dr. Margulies’ shares his thoughts about the whole frustrating experience with ACEP.  He refers to the letter he sent ACEPNow August 2, in response to their invitation for members to contribute to the discussion begun in the ACEPNow debate.]  My letter was written in response to a biased discussion of firearms in the weekly ACEPNow. Shortly after that, the then president of ACEP issued a highly disparaging statement about police in the United States. That was promptly retracted...

Dr. Margulies Mentors the American College of Emergency Physicians—Part 2

[Editor: DRGO reprinted a letter in August that our Dr. Robert Margulies sent his specialty association newsletter, ACEPNow, after it published a “Pro-Con” debate about gun control. The next month, the ACEP president issued a baldly political statement about “prejudice which has been directed toward those who are black” by police. Two days later, the statement was reissued, dramatically changed. We thought it worth sharing the whole story.] First, the article in ACEPNow that got Dr. M...

Universal Background Checks for Everything!

It was winter, and our 2 year old had an earache.  Even though both my wife and I are doctors, she’s always insisted that our children see the pediatrician when they’re sick.  I was working the swing shift, so daytime sick call fell to me. Fortunately, the pediatrician was able to see him right away, and neither of us were surprised when her exam revealed an ear infection.  I thanked her for her time, and after a brief chat, headed over to the pharmacy with my son in tow to pick up the an...

Inland Empire Doctors Treat a Civil Right as a Public Health Problem

[Editor: Dr. Wheeler, a San Bernardino County Medical Society member for 35 years, received a member satisfaction survey.  This letter to Society president Michael Sequeira, MD resulted.] Dear Dr. Sequeira:                                                   November 1, 2016 I was dismayed to recently learn that the San Bernardino County Medical Society has officially gone on record as supporting Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ballot initiative, Proposition 63.  As you likely know, Proposition...

Safe Storage Options for New (And Not So New) Gun Owners

[Editor: The author's previous piece, Toddlers, Guns and Passion Politics, led to our desire to republish her piece from A Girl and a Gun; executive editor Robyn Sandoval graciously agreed.] One of the first questions I asked myself when I bought my first firearm, seven years ago was, “How am I going to store this thing safely when I’m not using it?” My children were not small anymore at that time, but I was still concerned about unauthorized access – whether during a burglary or simpl...

Toddlers, Guns and Passion Politics

Hillary Clinton's intentionally misleading comments during the final Presidential candidate debate on October 19, implying that her opposition to the Heller decision was about the safety of toddlers, is just the latest in the gun-grabbers' arsenal of obfuscation. Prior to the Heller decision, District of Columbia law required firearms in the home to be kept essentially inoperable.  This was little more than politically-motivated suppression of residents' ability to defend themselves, masq...