The Transformation

Marvin Winsome, the richest politician and premier anti-gun advocate in California, laughed as he added up the latest proceeds from Tinsel Town.  Yes, the future looked very bright indeed. After passing a series of bills that would effectively harass the gun owners of California, he was the darling of the Hollywood Snowflake set. Martin chuckled to himself as he thought about the denizens of the movie industry.  Most of them, absurdly rich, had their own armed body guards and high walls p...

JAMA Internal Medicine January 2017: The Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Gun “Research” (2)

[This is the second of a two part series. Part 1 is here.] Next comes the gem of the whole issue, “Testing the Immunity of the Firearm Industry to Tort Litigation” by three authors affiliated with Stanford’s Law and Medical Schools.  It is straightforward legal thinking about how to find the “chink[s] in the legal armor that shields the firearm industry from tort liability.”  Why?  “For the gun control advocates who helped orchestrate many of the cases, such destabilization was a central ...

JAMA Internal Medicine January 2017: The Unbearable Lightness of Anti-Gun “Research” (1)

[This is the first of a two part series. Part 2 is here.] The editors of a number of medical journals are gun nuts.  Not nuts about guns, but guns must drive them nuts. Those with the Journal of the American Medical Association and its affiliated specialty journals are leaders of this pack. Its Internal Medicine journal is on a roll.  It began releasing articles online in October arguing against gun possession, and has collected them in its print edition this month. (more…)

Weena, Weenies, and Morlocks

Author's note: In 1895, H.G. Wells wrote a short story called “The Time Machine".   This story turned out to be eerily prophetic of events that have happened during our lifetimes.  In my opinion, it has special relevance to the question of gun control and gun ownership: The story begins in the home of a brilliant English scientist of the Victorian era.  He announces to his friends that he has built a Time Machine with the object of going into the future to witness the glorious destiny o...

Markswomen, Get Your Guns!

Hi folks, it's Johnny Bullseye, your second amendment history reporter.  Today as a special treat we'll be interviewing Annie Oakley, one of the greatest marksmen that America has ever produced: JB:   Hello Annie. AO: Howdy, Johnny.  Er . . . could we make a mite change in my introduction? JB:  Sure, Annie. AO: Well, pardner, I really like being called  a "Markswoman". (more…)

Join the Resistance!

Why are there so few vocal gun owning doctors? I started my firearms "career" at a late age—46, to be exact. This was shortly after I started my medical career, and I must say that at times I have felt as though I were the proverbial "voice crying in the wilderness". Now, finding DRGO, at least I know that I am not alone. But that leaves the question—why do there seem to be so few of us who are willing to go against the grain and speak up? I have several physician (and other medical...

Common Sense About Gun Laws

“Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property... Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.”        — Thomas Paine “Common sense gun laws” is a favorite expression of anti-gun politicians and hoplophobic celebrities.  They use that phrase to make their proposals sound innocuous and to attempt to paint Second Amendment supporters as lacking common sense. But, alas, as Voltaire said, com...