The Bill for Our Rights

(from [Ed: We have published this piece annually since 2015 for Bill of Rights Day each December 15. The  Bill’s Second Amendment is the reason for our being, in more ways than one.] On Sunday we all should have been jubilantly celebrating the 226th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slipped by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be the ...

The Bloomberg Manifesto

(from On December 1, former NYC mayor, now private sector Democrat Presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg wrote an accusatory Chicago Tribune Commentary, “NRA appeal to the Supreme Court puts gun laws at risk”. We certainly hope so! This polemic should actually be read by gun owners as a clarion call to get busy supporting our rights. This man has our Second Amendment in his crosshairs and is willing to spend vast (to us, not him) sums of money to see strip us of them, ...

Virginia & Massachusetts Join the Mob

Confiscationists are finding creative ways to put pressure on law-abiding gun owners.  In addition to taking over the public health publication machine, which cranks out “authoritative” articles based upon gross distortions of reality and statistical sleights of hand, they have now begun to weaponize front-line health care personnel.  I witnessed this first-hand earlier this year.  The Virginia Commonwealth University/Saint Mary’s Hospital/Virginia Department of Health “G...

‘Gunfight’: A Challenging Addition to Your Reading List

(from Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America has, interestingly, been accused of being both NRA propaganda and wildly anti-gun. The varying reactions to this book suggest that author Adam Winkler has at least tried to take a balanced approach in his discussion. This book gives an excellent panorama of the gun control debate, mostly centered on the D.C. v. Heller case. And the author’s conclusion seems to be somewhere near the middle of the range of propos...

Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries

(from reddit=VAGuns)
(from reddit=VAGuns) On November 5th, control of both the House and Senate of the Virginia General Assembly flipped to Democrat control. The Virginia Democrats owe a huge debt to Michael Bloomberg for the millions he poured into the state, and they are returning the favor by pushing extreme, unconstitutional infringements on gun owners. They should have done better by Virginia. (more…)

Can a Legitimate Case Be Made for Gun Control?

(from [Ed: This article was just published in the California Rifle & Pistol Association's November-December issue of Firing Line. DRGO constantly evaluates and publicizes the illegitimacy of "gun control research". We were delighted to see Dan Gifford address this likewise.] "We choose truth over facts!" When presidential candidate Joe Biden said that, he nailed the core of anti-Second Amendment activism. Perhaps the most frustrating part of writing an article about Sec...

Virginia Misses the Mark

Two long-awaited reports were released to the public this week that could have helped further the dialog regarding guns in the Commonwealth of Virginia:  The Virginia State Crime Commission report regarding Mass Killings and Gun Violence, and the Hillard Heintze Independent Review of the May 2019 Virginia Beach killings. For those who haven't been following events in Virginia, the killings in a Virginia Beach City government building in May 2019 ostensibly led the Governor, at that ...

Civilian Disarmament and Tyranny—A Tale of Three Cities

[Ed: This is an excerpt from Dr. Faria's new book, America, Guns and Freedom, minimally edited for DRGO. It was originally published at GOPUSA October 14 and on his site HaciendaPub October 16.] Depending on the level of culture and social progress, violence can take different forms in different societies. In the mid‑twentieth century, Stalin’s brutal communist government killed more Soviet citizens through privation, forced labor, and famine than soldiers fighting the Germans in World ...