Open SCOTUS for 2A Business! (Part 1)

(from [Ed: Dr. Faria wrote these articles prior to the confirmation of Justice Coney Barrett, but the sentiments and foresight are highly relevant for SCOTUS' next term. First published on Hacienda Publishing and GOPUSA on September 22, reposted here by permission. Part 2 will be posted Thursday.] Some readers were surprised to learn from my previous article on this subject that the Supreme Court of the United States has not made it clear that the right to keep ...

Review: ‘Guns and Control’ by Guy Smith

(from Guy Smith is a man after my own heart. He’s curious, doesn’t accept pronouncements of truth by authority, and digs deeper in order to prove it himself. His entry into the topsy-turvy world of contrafactual “research” by, shall we say, skeptics about guns parallels my own. We both moved from accepting popular disapproval of firearms in society, to wondering why, to making our own inquiries and analyses. We both discovered the truth is opposite: Firearms are an important part...

More Health Care Professionals Buying Guns

(from Cam Edwards brought to my attention Stephen Gutowski’s October 27 article in the Washington Free Beacon, "Health Care Workers Help Drive Gun Surge, New Study Says". We talked about it yesterday on his show on Bearing Arms -- Cam & Co, which I always enjoy. Unfortunately, my side of the audio is nearly incomprehensible, so I’ll share the meat of our conversation here.  We know that American firearm sales have dramatically increased since the spread of SARS-...

Review: ‘The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery – 7th Edition’, by Massad Ayoob

(from [Ed: As in the past, we are reposting a book review by Gila Hayes, operations manager and editor for the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network. The book is a newly updated classic by Mas Ayoob, first posted there earlier this month -- of course, everything he's written is a classic!] With the release of the seventh edition of The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery, author Massad Ayoob recognizes the authors of previous editions of this classic compendiu...

A Mask is Like a Concealed-Carry Firearm

(from [Ed: Our erstwhile contributor 'Dr. Latebloomer' now writes mostly for GATDaily, but we still like occasionally to steal and read her stuff (with permission). Here is a timely nugget relating to DRGO's advocacy of COVID prevention as much as to the Second Amendment and responsible carry, first published there May 14, 2020.] Remember my post from last week? About what a wasteland social media is now? Well I still think that, but I at least can get good material sometim...

There Is Only One Constitution

(from [Ed: Cam Edwards first posted this October 17 on It is a strong statement about what the American Constitution is and how it ought to be respected in use. We republish it here with permission, slightly edited in format for DRGO.] The left’s descent into malevolent and feigned ignorance on the topic of judicial originalism took another plunge downward into the abyss on Friday with the publication of Jamelle Bouie’s latest column for the New York...

What Arms for Whom Where?

(from Nelson Lund of George Mason Law, in his forthcoming Northwestern Law Review article, offers a provocative view of the gun control debate in "The Future of the Second Amendment in a Time of Lawless Violence”. One relatively minor point struck me as especially important: “. . . [V]ery few actual regulations effectively eliminate the right of individual Americans to keep or bear arms for the purpose of self-defense. Instead, gun control laws almost always restrict who...

What is “Common Sense” Gun Control?

(from When I was in high school we spoke simply of “gun control”. Congress passed "An Act to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for better control of the interstate traffic in firearms”, more simply called the “Gun Control Act of 1968”.  Somewhere along the debate, the rhetoric changed. The phrase “common sense” was added to qualify gun control.  No longer would we speak of gun control for the sake of control; advocates modified their stance to argue solely for thos...