A Mask is Like a Concealed-Carry Firearm

(from gatdaily.com)
(from gatdaily.com)

[Ed: Our erstwhile contributor ‘Dr. Latebloomer’ now writes mostly for GATDaily, but we still like occasionally to steal and read her stuff (with permission). Here is a timely nugget relating to DRGO’s advocacy of COVID prevention as much as to the Second Amendment and responsible carry, first published there May 14, 2020.]

Remember my post from last week? About what a wasteland social media is now? Well I still think that, but I at least can get good material sometimes. Some discussions that I’ve seen float by my feed this week have led me to compile a list.

Use this list to stimulate your thought processes. Share it around. Come up with your own. This is just for fun – remember how we used to laugh at stuff?

So without further ado I present,

Dr LateBloomer’s Top Ten Ways that a Mask is like a Concealed-Carry Gun

10- People get really judgey about them.

9  – People who don’t like them are often full of misinformation.

8  – People who do like them can sometimes be overconfident in their ability to use one


7  – Both have the “potential” to protect yourself and others.

6  – Once donned, excess handling should be minimized. STOP TOUCHING IT!

5  – They should never be banned, but making them mandatory can be problematic.

4  – They are not magic talismans.

3  – Both “should” change they way you interact with others.

2  – They require careful, regular cleaning to maintain effectiveness.

And the number one reason that a mask is like a concealed-carry gun is . . .

1  – It is better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it.

There you go. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Thank you, you’ve been a great audience.

Don’t forget to tip your waitress , , , oh wait, I forgot.




—’Dr. LateBloomer’ is the pen name of a female general pediatrician (MD, MPH, FAAP) who also writes at GAT Daily. She enjoys competitive shooting sports, including IDPA, USPSA and 3-Gun.  Evil semi-automatic firearms are her favorites. 

All DRGO articles by ‘Dr. LateBloomer’