The Illusion of Safety

“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem” Thomas Jefferson, from a letter to James Madison Jefferson’s Latin is probably most often translated as “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery”, though, in the context of the letter, it might be more accurately “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude”. But in truth […]

For the Children

There have been many breathless headlines lately about “Child” deaths by firearms, precipitated by the recent publication of a study in the journal Pediatrics, “Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States”. Once again, Organized Medicine is trotting out the dog and pony show about “gun violence” being a “public health problem”, and the media is […]

Public health, social science, and the scientific method. Part I

[Ed: After testifying to the House Appropriations Committee in 1996, Dr. Faria was tapped to serve at the CDC on the NCIPC‘s grant review committee during the George W. Bush administration. This two-part series (Part II here), republished with permission, describes his tenure there. Originally published by World of Neurosurgery in February, 2007] INTRODUCTION During […]

DRGO Update for June 5, 2017

A message from DRGO: The article describing the theft of California tax dollars to fund anti-gun “research” by Garen Wintemute, MD and his program is of more than local interest. Such bills are now coming up in New York and New Jersey, and are likely to arise in other pro-gun control state houses.Please stay alert […]

Garen Wintemute, MD Creates Victims.

Nothing says “It’s summer in California!” these days like dumping five million dollars from already strained coffers into the piggy bank of a notorious anti-rights propagandist. And nothing celebrates that occasion better than a hagiographic fluff piece about the man for whose pet project that money has been ripped from the pockets of California gun-owning […]