The American College of Physicians Doesn’t Know American Gun Owners

By Timothy Wheeler, MD The Newtown school mass shooting has awakened the medical establishment’s long-dormant urges to order our lives in areas it knows nothing about.  Now the American College of Physicians (ACP) is prescribing drastic measures against gun owners.  If prescribing outside of a doctor’s area of competence is malpractice, then the editors of the ACP journal the Annals of Internal Medicine are guilty. In a New Year’s Day editorial, (an earlier version is linked here) the Anna...

Public Health Gun Control: A Brief History—Part I

By Timothy Wheeler, MD In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school mass shooting, many have called for new restrictions on gun owners.  The blood at Sandy Hook Elementary School wasn’t dry before mainstream media pundits, scheming politicians, and career gun control advocates began heaping condemnation and slander on American gun owners.  Blaming innocent gun owners for the murderous actions of a few high-profile mass shooters is natural to them, since they blame guns for crime, rather than ...

Gallup Poll Shows Mixed Results For More Gun Control

Americans are now arguably at the height of post-Newtown gun control frenzy. But the latest Gallup poll on firearms shows a slim majority of 51% still opposing outlawing “assault rifles,” the very popular semi-automatic rifles more properly called modern sporting rifles. Ominously, they are leaning toward more restrictions on firearm purchases and outlawing “high-capacity ammunition clips that can contain more than 10 bullets.” But a record majority (74%) still opposes a broad ban on handguns, a...

NRA Offers Solutions for School Shootings

After a week of the nastiest barrage of media abuse in recent memory, gun owners have reason to look up. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation have already called for a national commission to investigate media violence including violent video games, lapses in mental health care, and false reliance on “gun-free zones” as contributing factors in mass shootings. Today, after a week of respectful silence, the National Rifle Association’s Ex...

Sober As a Judge?

The Los Angeles Times, like all the other mainstream media, is beating the drum and jumping up and down, trying to instigate drastic action against America’s 80 to 100 million gun owners. We are the target of choice for their undifferentiated rage in the wake of the Newtown school shooting. This is understandable coming from the press corps, many of whom have a long and scandalous history of obfuscation, rabble-rousing, and bloody shirt-waving when guns are discussed. We expect judges, however, ...

Heal the Sick and Stop the Shootings

The predictable flurry of accusatory op-eds, name-calling, and general bad feeling began before the dead were counted in Newtown, Connecticut this week.  One of them was the work of Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez.  You can always tell the pundits who know little or nothing about guns and gun owners.  They obsess over the instrument itself, marveling in horror over technical wonders they find foreign and scary—high capacity magazines, black, military-looking rifles.  Sometimes politician...

No More Gun-Free Zones!

Today the mass shooting was at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The latest report puts the death toll at an unthinkable 20 young children and six adults. The solution for what happened today is the same solution many of us proposed with the last mass shooting disaster—and the one before that, and the one before that.

Fighting Anti-Gun Bias in the Medical Literature—Part 2

Last month we announced the first part of Dr. Miguel Faria’s excellent editorial in Surgical Neurology International, “America, Guns, and Freedom”. In this issue is Part 2, describing international events around the eternal struggle for the right of armed self-defense. Dr. Faria, a retired neurosurgeon and medical historian, occupies a niche where academic medicine intersects with the political battle for the right of self-defense. The logic of that connection is clear, since both disciplines...