Don Kates, A Constitutional Scholar Who Changed the Course of History

I don’t think that’s an overstatement. Don is an attorney and former law professor who led the renaissance of Second Amendment scholarship that has flourished over the last 50 years. I attended two of his Second Amendment scholarship conferences, having the privilege of sitting in a conference room with such luminaries as UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, law professor Joe Olson, and other prominent figures from academia.  The product of this exchange of ideas was many law review and other schol...

We Told You So—Gun Registration Leads to Confiscation

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Long-time observers of gun control politics know to be worried when politicians resurrect the old scheme of gun registration.  They know the average citizen has no clue that time and time again, government lists of gun owners have been used by armed government agents later to confiscate their guns.  NRO contributor Dave Kopel has described some of the more infamous gun registration-for-confiscation schemes. Right here in California it’s happened again, this time with...

Harvard Study Shows No Effect of Firearm Laws on Gun Deaths

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Harvard medical researchers just published a scholarly paper in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, claiming that more firearm laws in a state are associated with a lower rate of gun homicides and suicides.  However, examination of their data and research methods shows the opposite. McMaster University researcher Caillin Langmann, MD, PhD noted that the Harvard authors’ own best analysis: Does not show that states with more gun laws have fewer gun deaths Demo...

Does Senator Feinstein Need Counseling?

Never has Senator Dianne Feinstein been so candid about the emotional baggage behind her decades-long war on American gun owners. This recent Los Angeles Times article and blog piece give us some insights into the apparently ongoing psychological turmoil triggered by the shooting years ago of her San Francisco political colleagues. Quoted in the L.A. Times article, Feinstein flings her emotions out before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the nation as if she were on Oprah: "I ...

Anger Management Class Required for Ammo Purchasers?

I didn’t know whether to be outraged or to laugh at this latest proposed gun control legislation coming from, of all places, Florida. Probably a little of both. Florida state Sen. Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville) wants anyone wanting to buy ammunition to complete an anger management program first. This looks like just another gun control measure intended to humiliate and harass gun owners. But like other public pronouncements from gun control pushers, it offers insights into the strange workings o...

Dr. Wheeler on NRA News

Here’s the video of my recent appearance on the NRA News program Cam and Company. We’re talking about doctors wanting to confiscate our guns instead of getting their own house in order by not over-prescribing potent drugs, minimizing medical errors, and just washing their hands to prevent infection.  

Doctors Clueless About Guns

Here’s another media doctor jumping on the “guns are a public health problem” bandwagon. Hey, I know it can sometimes be hard to meet publishing deadlines, but someone with an MD degree who holds himself out to the public as an expert really needs to get it right. I am forever amazed at how many medical doctors think they are experts on firearms just because they don’t like that some folks get shot. Dr. Manoj Jain, writing for the Memphis Commercial Appeal, clearly has no understanding of why...

Doctors and Guns in Kansas

A bill in the Kansas legislature, HB 2199, calls for protection of firearms and related products manufactured in Kansas from proposed federal infringements on the right to keep and bear arms. The bill also limits doctors’ inappropriate questioning of their patients about guns in their homes. Here is DRGO’s testimony about doctors’ ethical boundary violations—doctors asking their patients politically motivated questions about their guns. Testimony re: HB 2199 submitted to Kansas House of Represe...