“Gun Violence” Next to Last in Public’s To-Do List for Congress

By Timothy Wheeler, MD I view polls with some skepticism because of the powerful influence of bias on their results. But this Gallup poll confirms others that show public opinion about guns to have settled back into its pre-Newtown status, or nearly so. “Gun violence” (I enclose this media-manufactured term in sneer quotes because it tries to blame the gun for crime instead of the criminal) ranks at the bottom of public priorities. It’s way down on a list of ongoing worries topped by jobs...

Pediatricians to Push for Gun Control on Capitol Hill

Once again pediatricians lead the charge of doctors dedicated to taking away your constitutional right to own guns. The American Academy of Pediatrics was still insisting the 2nd Amendment was about state militias for four years after the Heller decision in 2008.  They have consistently refused to work with the real experts on gun safety—the NRA, NSSF, and innumerable state and local gun clubs—to teach the public gun safety.  They still talk about wanting to ban semiautomatic weapons, which mean...

Dr. Wheeler in National Review Online—The Corner

What Next for Gun Policy? President Obama was incredulous at the speed of his gun-control agenda’s demise this week. Seemingly still in campaign mode, he posed in the Rose Garden flanked by gun crime victims and denounced the Senate for rejecting all three points of his grand gun control plan. Read more…

Harvard pediatrician spreads dangerous ‘gun safety’ advice

The Gun Writer Harvard pediatrician spreads dangerous ‘gun safety’ advice Wednesday, April 17, 2013 by Lee Williams Lee’s note: This is the second guest column from Timothy Wheeler, MD, director of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO), a project of the Second Amendment Foundation. Floridians are becoming depressingly familiar with pediatricians pushing a gun control agenda, as we talked about last week in connection with Florida’s Docs vs. Glocks law. Another example...

DRGO Article in NRO: Gun Registration Remains the Third Rail

Gun Registration Remains the Third Rail By  Timothy Wheeler April 16, 2013 5:31 PM As the national frenzy of anti-gun sentiment wanes, as it inevitably must, the calculus of legislative concession sets in. The more extreme gun-control proposals in Congress have failed, but there lingers in Congress and perhaps to a lesser degree in public opinion the perceived need to do something to restrict gun ownership. The major players agree that people with a record of criminal violence and t...

South San Francisco City Council Member Admits Gun Ordinance “More Window Dressing Than Substance”

You read that right. Check the City Council meeting video starting at minute 3:50. Councilmember Mark N. Addiego agrees with the city attorney’s advice to drop a proposed ordinance to ban hollow point ammunition and notify the police of any ammunition purchases of 500 rounds or more. Councilmember Addiego confesses his ignorance of firearms and actually admits that the proposed ordinance is “more window dressing than substance.”  We know that politicians often indulge the urge to “do something,”...

Children’s Defense Fund Joins Gun Prohibitionist Echo Chamber

By Timothy Wheeler, MD Children’s Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman has made a career of blaming America’s gun owners for gang crime. For 20 years she’s hammered away at the same theme—“children” (i.e., youthful gang members) are dying from “gun violence” and it’s all because you and I own guns. She never has bothered to explain how you and I and about 80 million other American gun owners manage to get through each day without shooting someone. Another thing—Edelman has always had ...