“Gun Violence” as a Public Health Issue: a Physician’s Response

[Editor’s note: This article by Jane Orient, M.D., the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, summarizes the problems inherent in the public health community’s longstanding politically motivated attempt to reframe firearm injuries and deaths as a public health problem. We present it here as a resource for our members and the public: “Gun Violence” as a Public Health Issue: a Physician’s Response, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 18 Number 3 ...

Commentary on “Gun Suicides Far More Common Than Homicides”

By Robert B Young, MD Sometimes even mainstream media reports rationally about their favorite whipping boy, "gun violence". In this Reuters report by Ronnie Cohen on January 13, another study by Garen Wintemute, MD from the University of California-Davis's Violence Prevention Research Program is discussed. It is apparently an analysis of rates and numbers of homicides and suicides by gun from 2003-2012. Wintemute and the VPRP have long taken a position against gun ownership. Wintemute ...

Dr. Robert Young Represents DRGO at AMA Litigation Session on “Docs v Glocks”

[Editor's Note: In November DRGO’s Robert B. Young, MD was invited to attend a meeting in Dallas of the American Medical Association’s Litigation Committee. This AMA management committee assembled to discuss the ongoing litigation aimed at overturning Florida’s Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act (FOPA), also known as the Docs vs. Glocks law. DRGO has been involved in this case since before FOPA was enacted into law, having written editorials on the subject and weighing in through an amicus curiae bri...

Washington Post Slants Story on CDC Gun Research

By Timothy Wheeler, MD In this story in today’s Washington Post, reporter Todd Frankel continues a long tradition of media cheerleading for gun control passed off as straight reporting. Frankel did go through the motions of seeking the opposing view in this running controversy by interviewing me. But his story fits the long-accepted major media template for reporting any story on federally funded gun research. That template goes something like this—valiant public health researchers seek a...

Is It Mental Illness or Is It Guns … or What?

[Editor's Note. This article was originally published at TheTruthAboutGuns.com] More attention is being paid to the role of mental illness in mass shootings the last several years, reasonably since nearly all the perpetrators seem to have experienced significant reality distortion. Yet mental illness actually plays very little part in the incidence of “gun violence”. (That phrase should mean “violence using guns” but has come to imply, as its anti-gun originators intend, that guns are som...

D.C. Mayor’s Civil Rights Hatred

By Timothy Wheeler, MD It is one of the great ironies of contemporary American politics that our nation’s capital is ground zero in the civil rights struggle of our time—the fight to exercise our right to keep and bear arms. At a meeting in the District of Columbia’s St. Augustine’s Catholic Church last week, newly elected D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser assured her audience: “You have a mayor who hates guns. If it was up to me, we wouldn’t have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swe...

Will Murthy preach for gun control, as three of his predecessors did?

Today at National Review Online, DRGO's Director, Dr. Tim Wheeler, offers an analysis of what can be expected in the next few years from the newly-confirmed Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy. While Dr. Murthy suggested in his confirmation hearings that he will not pursue an anti-gun agenda, Dr. Wheeler drills down on the record and evidence to date to expose what appears to be groundwork for fabricating a public health framework for attacking the Second Amendment. …read more here.   ...

UCLA Prof Worries Gun Owners Are America’s Existential Threat

By Timothy Wheeler, MD When most of us think of America’s enemies today, at least those of us who don’t fret about dehumanizing “the other” by even using that word, we think of ISIS or other Islamic terrorists. It apparently takes a very smart person—an eminent professor trained at the best universities—to show us how far off track our thinking is. Here’s the inside scoop from UCLA professor Jared Diamond: “Already, plenty of Americans are asserting the right to carry guns in previously ...