Censorship: How medical journals deny academic freedom

[Ed: This was first published in The Telegraph (Macon) and on Dr. Faria’s website haciendapub.com. DRGO reprints it by permission, slightly edited.] Censorship is an issue in many different industries, for example, The Pirate Bay has been censored in the entertainment industry and can only be accessed via proxies Here. Science requires an ambient of […]

Mass Shooting Derangement (MSD) syndrome and the modern liberal PC ethos

[Ed: This is republished, slightly edited, with permission from HaciendaPublishing.com, November 9. It is something of a follow up to Dr. Faria’s comments in “Gun Statistics–Should they be tortured or gently crose-examined?”] Che Guevara, an icon of the left, thought that socialism and egalitarianism would create a “new socialist man” dedicated to the common good […]

Gun statistics–Should they be tortured or gently cross-examined?

[Ed: Dr. Faria provided DRGO his response to another case of misinterpreted statistics. This was published as an Opinion Column in  The Telegraph (Macon, Georgia) on October 17, slightly edited here.]  In a recent letter to the editor in The Telegraph, Mr. Colin Frayne began his letter pointing out the need for “factual information” about guns.  […]

Authors and Contributors

— Dr. Sean Brodale is a family practitioner & emergency physician in Iowa. He is pursuing the right to carry in hospitals for eligible medical personnel. At DRGO he is involved in membership and public engagement projects. All DRGO articles by Sean Brodale, DO —Dr. Michael S. Brown is a pragmatic Libertarian environmentalist who has […]

Perspective from a Rape Survivor: Lack of Access to Mental Health Care is the Real Gun Problem

[Ed: We are delighted to introduce a new correspondent, Shayna Lopez-Rivas, who is dead serious about the Second Amendment. She has turned her personal tragedy into a powerful voice for crime victims everywhere.] With 33,000 gun deaths each year in this country, it’s not surprising that the right of gun ownership often gets called into […]