‘Red Flag’ Laws are False Flags

(from newsmax.com)
(from newsmax.com) [Ed: We’ve reported on GVROs and Red Flag laws since 2015—how they put gun owners at risk and about California’s law in particular. With Senator Rubio promoting more ‘Red Flag’ laws, Dr. Vaughan's warning is more timely than ever. You can download DRGO’s position paper on Firearm Confiscation due to Dangerousness here.] ‘Red Flag Gun Laws’, or ‘Gun Violence Restraining Orders’ are becoming increasingly popular among opponents of the right to keep and bear arms.  Politic...

Review: ‘Violence of Mind’ by Varg Freeborn

(from armedcitizensnetwork.org)
(from armedcitizensnetwork.org) [We are pleased to have permission to repost this book review by Gila Hayes of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network. The Network is an admirable non-profit association providing legal referral and funding for members facing prosecution for defensive firearms use. Her review was just published in the Network's January newsletter. The book is especially interesting for its psychological analysis about normal persons suddenly facing life or death versus ...

Venezuela, America

(from aveiro123.blogspot.com)
(from aveiro123.blogspot.com) The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is an entirely outmoded document!  Useful at one time, It’s now an excuse for malcontents and fools to obtain weapons they invariably misuse.  That, at least, is what a large segment of our political establishment would have you believe. Are they right? Into the debate comes the report of one Javier Vanegas.  Mr. Vanegas, age 28, is a Venezuelan refugee living in Ecuador. He relates how his country ...

Review: ‘There’s Only One You’ by Ryan Cleckner

(from ryancleckner.com)
(from ryancleckner.com) Ryan Cleckner has one of the strongest resumés in the shooting world. He served two tours of duty as a special ops Ranger sniper, team leader and trainer in Afghanistan. Following his return, he completed college and law school, founded the educational Veteran’s Advocacy Group and the New Battlefront Group to aid in transition from military to civilian life.  He appeared on The History Channel’s Top Shot show, demonstrating a one-shot hit at 1,000 yards from a sta...

The Bill for Our Rights

 (from funnyjunk.com) [Ed: We have published this piece annually since 2015 for Bill of Rights Day each December 15. The  Bill's Second Amendment is the reason for our being, in more ways than one.] On Saturday we all should have been jubilantly celebrating the 226th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the original 10 amendments to the United States’ federal constitution. Remarkably, it slipped by relatively unremarked. Yet our Bill of Rights may actually be ...

Firearm Safety for Real

(from gunnewsdaily.com)
Safe gun ownership is a critical subject that is particularly important in our nation. A 2017 survey made in 2017 states found that there is at least one firearm in 42% of American households, regardless of the size or caliber. In fact, the U.S. is number one worldwide regarding in the number of firearms per capita.  When you think about buying and using a handgun or a rifle, whether it’s for hunting or just personal safety, you should consider some things first. First of all, any f...

The Anti-Gun Association on Aging

(from downtrend.com)
[Ed: Aging Today and AgeBlog, the American Society on Aging’s media, published an article, “Grandparents,Gun Violence and Gun Policy”, this fall.  Teri Kennedy, a PhD grandmother with the School of Social Work at Arizona State University, advocated the straight gun restriction party line, from the claim that the Dickey amendment “barred”research to universal background checks, banning “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines”, and “gun safety technology”. OK, we have no disag...

Divided We Stand: States’ Rights and Gun Rights

(from sierraclub.org)
Should gun advocates embrace States’ Rights? In McDonald v Chicago, the Supreme Court incorporated the Second Amendment on the States.  “[T]he right of the People to keep and bear arms . . .” is now, indisputably, the uniform law of the land throughout the 50 states and D.C. Yet for the foreseeable future, that “uniform” right means nothing more than what the Supremes decide is  “. . .  the right . . . really worth insisting upon.”  Thus, as a purely practical matter, we cannot know the p...