Firearm Policies That (Don’t) Work

(from [Ed: Here’s another example of the horrendous “research” we encounter every week. Thanks to DRGO writer Dr. Thomas E. Gift who pointed it out and gave us his read on it, which is incorporated here.] “Firearm Policies That Work” just came out February 25 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The authors are April Zeoli, a new name from the Michigan State University’s School of Criminal Justice and Daniel Webster, an old hand at anti-gun research from the Cent...

The Deacons for Defense and Justice

[Ed: This is the inspiring true story of men who took up arms to defend their families, communities and movement during the 1960's Civil Rights conflicts. It reminds us why firearms must be in the people's hands when authoritarian government would maintain its monopoly of arms. DRGO friend Philip Smith, President of the National African-American Gun Association, originally published this in its latest member newsletter.] The Deacons for Defense and Justice was an armed Afr...

Gun Grabbers Lie to the American People

(from [Ed: This piece is excerpted from a much longer, and well worth reading, seven-part series first published by our colleagues at The Arbalest Quarrel on February 6, 2019.]  Oppressive antigun measures do not promote public safety Removal of guns from society won’t promote public safety. It never has; never will. (See . . .“The Failed Experiment, Gun Control and Public Safet...

Advice from a Russian: Never Give Up Your Guns

Ed: This column was first posted at Pravda's English site in 2012, and again at Hacienda Publishing. We present it by permission. Mr. Mishin has a unique perspective, but the core message is for all.]  (from These days, there are few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating U.S.A., but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one’s self and possessions. (more…)

Owning Guns Doesn’t Mean Intending Violence

(from There are those who are entirely against the use of guns because they could cause violence in the wrong hands. On the other hand, there are people in favor of using guns as a means to protect themselves from criminals. But there are also self-identified non-violent people who have guns. Why do they, if they are against violence in the first place? Here are four possible reasons: (more…)

It Is Time for America to Awaken

(from It is far past time for many in our country to take a stand on those things that are important, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There are many, many folks out there who seem to love to exercise their freedom of speech and freedom of religion, even though their religion may be “none”. It is still their belief and they have the right to exercise it just as you and I do–whatever their “religion” may be or not be. It has long be...